D.A. Hynes Keeps Pledge, Arrests 4 for Intimidation

NY Times

Charles J. Hynes, the Brooklyn district attorney, announcing the charges, which he said he hoped would “be a message.”

The Brooklyn district attorney, facing a wave of public criticism about his handling of abuse allegations in the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community, on Thursday charged four men with attempting to silence an accuser by offering her and her boyfriend a $500,000 bribe, and threatening her boyfriend’s business.

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Torah to Be Written in Memory of Mrs. Itta Spitezki

This Sunday, 4th of Tammuz, at 4:00pm, family and friends will join together at Shain’s Shul (390 Kingston Ave.) to begin a Sefer Torah in honor and memory of Mrs. Itta Feiga Spitezki, OBM, in conjunction with her tenth yahrtzeit. Mrs. Spitezki was a longtime Shlucha of the Rebbe in Brussels, Belgium.

This Sunday: Siyum Sefer Torah for R’ Lipa Schapiro

Reb Lipman Schapiro, OBM.

The Schapiro families will be completing the writing of a Sefer Torah in memory of their distinguished parents, Rabbi Lipa and Mrs. Chana Schapiro, and their beloved brother Rabbi Levi Yitzchak, OBM.

Shabbos at the Besht: Gimmel Tammuz Schedule

This Shabbos at the Besht, in honor of Gimmel Tammuz, several lecturers will lead discussions on a variety of topics. On Friday evening Rabbi Shmuel Kuperman, Rabbi of the Besht, will deliver a special lecture. Rabbi Chaim Shuchat will lecture at 9:00am Shabbos morning, as well as at 8:00pm following mincha. Guest speaker Rabbi Mendel Lipskier, Shliach in Sherman Oaks, CA, will lead a large farbrengen on Shabbos afternoon after Shachris.

40 Shuls to Host Farbrengen with Special Guest

This Shabbos, in honor of GImmel Tammuz, many Shuls in Crown Heights will be hosting a Farbrengen with a special guest who will give words of inspiration. Following is a list of 40 Crown Heights Shuls that will be hosting such an event on Shabbos afternoon.

Crown Heights Attorney Gives Back Again

After sponsoring the recent Siyum Hashas at Chovevei Torah, prominent Crown Heights attorney Rabbi Shimon Aharon Rosenfeld has once again rewarded excellent learning in the Chovevei Torah Zal. While most bochurim in the yeshiva have completed and mastered the entire Mesichta Kiddushin, Mendy Ross, Shaya Spielman and Shaya Zirkind were selected to be put through a complete and thorough testing of the entire 82 blatt meshichta memorized and all at one time.

Students of Darchei Limud Enjoy End-of-Year Trip

Boys at Cheder Darchai Limud were rewarded with a trip to Strike Ten Lanes in Mill Basin, followed by a pizza and ice cream party at Dagan’s Pizza down the road. The boys had to work really hard for this trip; they were tested on the Chumash they had learned throughout the year, demonstrating mastery in the skills learnt and becoming engaged in the story from the text. For some of these boys, getting tested on entire perokim at once was quite a feat.

Seminary Girls Prepare for Gimmel Tammuz

An inspiring Farbrengen took place in Ohel Chana Seminary, Melbourne on Thursday night in preparation for Gimmel Tammuz. The seminary is unique in that it remains open throughout the entire year, even after the formal academic year has ended.

Dinner Raises Funds for Children to Attend Camp

Just days before Gimmel Tammuz, friends gathered in support of the Camp F.R.E.E. – Gan Israel Scholarship Fund. The funds raised will help bring a summer of fun, friendship, and memories to children who may not otherwise have the opportunity to enjoy camp due to difficult economic circumstances.