The students of Yeshivas Lubavitch of Manchester, UK do Mivtzoim, reach out to Jews of all backgrounds and inspire hundreds, following the vision of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

Video: Inspiring a Future

The students of Yeshivas Lubavitch of Manchester, UK do Mivtzoim, reach out to Jews of all backgrounds and inspire hundreds, following the vision of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.


  • Thank You

    These children will remember what Chabad taught them for ever. I Know because many years ago Chabad inspired me. I would not be what I am now if not for Chabad Thank You. Keep up your wonderful work

  • So beautiful!

    This is so beautiful, you did such a good job at making the life of a bachur; his learning davening and mivtzoim, look as it should: a beautiful and fulfilling experience. Thank you and chazak!!

  • I

    professional done video and beautiful. keep up the good work.this is a real kidush hashem thank you!