JETS Celebrates Conclusion of 7th Successful Year

JETS (Jewish Educational Trade School) in California celebrated seven successful years at a graduation banquet on 24 Sivan.

Rabbi Mayer Schmukler, founder and director of JETS, thanked the hanhala, shluchim, and staff for their hard work and dedication towards each and every bochur. With a heartfelt Mazel Tov, Rabbi Schmukler encouraged the students to take all they have learned at JETS and use it to enrich their lives.

Rabbi Mendy Seewald and Rabbi Naftali Smith, JETS principals, awarded each bochur a certificate of appreciation for individual achievement and diplomas for their course work. Two students were honored with special recognition: Shloimy Fuchs for “Overall Best Student of the Year,” and Moshe Lozenik for “Most Accomplished Student of the Year.”

Hashliach Aizik Chanin and Hashliach Shimon Wrightman addressed the bochurim on behalf of the shluchim, with encouraging and inspirational words.

Bochur Sholom Druk was the master of ceremonies, and bochurim Shloimy Fuchs, Zalmy Cole, and Shneur Gansburg spoke passionately about their experiences at JETS. Each emphasized how much they had grown in the outstanding JETS program. They expressed sincere gratitude to their learned and dedicated teachers, the shluchim, and staff. Thunderous applause followed their encouragement to fellow classmates to strive for excellence in all things.

One of the highlights of the evening was when Rabbi Shmukler awarded the nine semicha students with their certificates. The boys received their semicha from Rabbi Shmukler, Rabbi Tauber and Rabbi Kornwasser.

Local supporters of JETS expressed the honor they felt to be part of a school that was so meaningful in the lives of these young Jewish men. They encouraged the boys to study hard, keep their eyes on a goal, and never give up.

The all-night farbrengan following the ceremony gave staff members a chance to speak individual words of encouragement and strength to each bochur. On the following day, the bochurim were treated to an end-of-the-year grand trip to Big Bear, CA. Activities such as alpine sliding, wakeboarding, tubing, and camping further strengthened their camaraderie.

JETS wishes all the graduates and their families a Mazel Tov, and much Chassidishe Nachas.