An inspiring Farbrengen took place in Ohel Chana Seminary, Melbourne on Thursday night in preparation for Gimmel Tammuz. The seminary is unique in that it remains open throughout the entire year, even after the formal academic year has ended.

Seminary Girls Prepare for Gimmel Tammuz

An inspiring Farbrengen took place in Ohel Chana Seminary, Melbourne on Thursday night in preparation for Gimmel Tammuz. The seminary is unique in that it remains open throughout the entire year, even after the formal academic year has ended.

Although Seminary Aleph students had returned home this week to their respective cities around the world, there are always ongoing Shiurim and Farbrengens in the evenings for Shana Bais+ students and local girls.

Over 50 girls participated in the farbrengen, including those who had just returned home from overseas seminaries, and many post-seminary girls currently living in Melbourne.

The atmosphere was beautiful, with a palpable sense of inclusiveness and achdus in the air. Rabbi Levy Tenenbaum, seminary principal, and guest speaker Rabbi Chaim Miller from New York led the students in an inspirational insight into the life of the Rebbe. Rabbi Miller, author of the world acclaimed Gutnick Edition Chumash Series and a leading authority on the interpretation of the Torah-related works of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, is the international guest of the Melbourne Chabad community over Gimmel Tammuz.

Rabbi Miller gave insight into various areas concerning the Rebbe’s Igros, including ramifications of the Rebbe’s Berachos, and the Rebbe’s perspective and unique approach to all aspects of Torah study, particularly to that of Rashi sichos. Students asked many questions to Rabbi Miller, with lively discussion ensuing.

The farbrengen was part of an ongoing Ohel Chana Werdiger Learning Institute programme of shiurim and farbrengens for girls who have returned from overseas seminaries, and other young women living in Melbourne.

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