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Chabad Alexandria-Arlington Celebrates 5 Years

Alexandria, VA — Chabad Lubavitch of Alexandria-Arlington is proud to celebrate “Five Incredible Years” of serving the Alexandria-Arlington community. Since its inception in 2001 under the direction of Rabbi Mordechai and Yehudis Newman, this organization has touched countless lives through its multifaceted educational, outreach and social service programs.

Santa Rosa Music Fest adds Jewish Component

Jewish Weekly of Northern California

Santa Rosa, CA — Harmony Festival will for the first time feature some Jewish speakers, performers and interfaith events.

The music, arts and culture festival, which begins today and runs through Sunday, June 10, has drawn thousands to the Sonoma County Fairgrounds in Santa Rosa for 29 years.

Another Accident on Empire and Kingston

Crown Heights, Brooklyn — Today, Thursday at about 4 PM, a mini van attempted to turn onto Kingston Ave from Empire and was hit by a car coming from the opposite direction.

There were some children on the street corner waiting to cross, but BH the car missed the children, and no one was hurt.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

Fifteen Arrested In Crown Heights Drug Sting

NY1: Top Stories

Crown Heights, Brooklyn — The Brooklyn district attorney’s office said Thursday that Operation Crown Strike in Brooklyn has ended with the arrest of 15 people allegedly involved in a drug ring.

The D.A. and NYPD say they found several gangs dealing drugs in different areas of Crown Heights.

Officers made the arrests after executing several search warrants last week.

More undercover surveillance footage in the Extended Article

FJC President Lev Leviev Visits Volgograd

Volgograd, Russia –- The Jewish community of Volgograd hosted a visit by renowned businessman, philanthropist and FJC President Lev Leviev, who was accompanied by his wife and daughter Tsviya. They were in Volgograd as part of a business delegation for the signing of an agreement on collaboration in investment activity between Governor Nikolai Maksyuta for the Volgograd Regional Administration and Alexander Khaldey, Director-General of the Company ‘Stroyinkom-K’.

Chabad of the Conejo to Celebrate 28 Years

Conejo, CA — Chabad of the Conejo will host its annual Gala Banquet at 5:30 p.m. Tues., June 12 at the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza.

The banquet will celebrate Chabad’s 28th anniversary in the Conejo Valley.

Visit Reintroduces Guests to Jewish Life in Belarus

Brest, Belarus — This week, the Jewish community of Brest has hosted a visit by a group from the USA and Israel. Many of the participants are senior citizens returning to see their hometown or the native land of their ancestors. Amongst them were several persons born prior to World War Two, including 93-year old Tsipora Rozenman, who brought her entire family with her to see the hometown of many generations of her family and the grave of their ancestors.

The Weekly Sedra – Parshas Shelach

The Rebbe says:

1. In this week’s Torah portion Moshe Rabbeinu (Moses our teacher) sends 12 spies (12 “Miraglim”) to examine the Land of Canaan (which would later be called the Land of Israel).

When the 12 spies returned from inspecting the land, 10 spies reported to Moshe Rabeinu and the entire assembly of the Jewish people that the inhabitants of the Land of Canaan were too strong for the Jewish people to conquer. The Talmud tells us that the 10 spies were even saying that the inhabitants of the Land of Canaan are stronger then Hashem (!) and “even the householder (Hashem) cannot remove his utensils from there (because the Canaanites are stronger then he)”, (see Tractate Sotah, Page 35, Side 1).

Empowering the Kosher Balabustah

Crown Heights, Brooklyn — Over 30 years ago through a directive of the Rebbe, Mivtzah Kashrus began heightening Kashrus awareness throughout the world. By koshering homes for those newly committed to keeping kosher this Mivtzah ensures that Kashrus observance is available to every Jew. Through “Kosher week” in supermarkets, informative pamphlets, video presentations and quarterly newsletters, Mivtza Kashrus reaches out to our brothers and sisters regardless of their level of observance, economic status or location.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

Decision Put Off on Whether W Boynton is Being Improperly Used as Synagogue

South Florida Sun-Sentinel

West Palm Beach, FL — Neighbors will have to wait until July before a special master determines if a West Boynton home allegedly being used as a synagogue and attracting dozens of worshipers will be forced to shut down.

After more than three hours of debate Wednesday, special master Earl Mallory said he will wait until July 3 to decide.

“I’ve got mixed feelings,” said Mallory, who battled with balancing the freedom of assembly and religious expression and a violation of the building code.

Montreal Yeshiva at 66 Dinner

Montreal, Canada — Last night the annual dinner for Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim of Montreal marking 66 years since the founding of the yeshiva in the city. The dinner was in honor of philanthropist Ofer bazov who donated another wing of the building. Ofer is an alumni of the yeshiva and after his father died decided to donate a substantial amount in his memory.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

Jewish Youngsters Head to Camp in Donetsk

Donetsk, Ukraine –- In following with a tradition that has been established over the past decade or so, the two first weeks of June is time out in Donetsk for students from the ‘Ohr Menachem’ Day School to head to camp. This summer retreat, known as ‘Camp Simcha’ is a much welcome activity for youngsters, where activities are designed to informally complement the formal education they receive throughout the year.