NY1: Top Stories
Crown Heights, Brooklyn — The Brooklyn district attorney's office said Thursday that Operation Crown Strike in Brooklyn has ended with the arrest of 15 people allegedly involved in a drug ring.

The D.A. and NYPD say they found several gangs dealing drugs in different areas of Crown Heights.

Officers made the arrests after executing several search warrants last week.

More undercover surveillance footage in the Extended Article

Fifteen Arrested In Crown Heights Drug Sting

NY1: Top Stories

Crown Heights, Brooklyn — The Brooklyn district attorney’s office said Thursday that Operation Crown Strike in Brooklyn has ended with the arrest of 15 people allegedly involved in a drug ring.

The D.A. and NYPD say they found several gangs dealing drugs in different areas of Crown Heights.

Officers made the arrests after executing several search warrants last week.

More undercover surveillance footage in the Extended Article

Video, shot by police, shows an alleged dealer scooping cocaine to be packaged.

“The case was particularly difficult because the individuals were enormously sophisticated in their operation – they used counter-surveillance techniques,” said Suzanne Corhan, chief of the district attorney’s Major Narcotics Investigations Bureau. “They used methods to avoid traditional law enforcement detection. In fact, they had crude booby traps in some of the locations.”

Authorities say they recovered guns, 600 grams of cocaine, six pounds of marijuana, drug-making equipment, and $17,000 in cash.

Those arrested face drug and weapons charges.


  • Meir1080

    Sure, the guy on the video is definitely Jewish. C’mon, you can’t tell by looking at his nose?

  • conc

    this is what is making our shechunah have high crime. Take the big ones off the street. Its about time. They are the ones with the guns and giving drugs to the teens and causing alot of the problems.

  • crazyyyyy

    right here in our home town
    and you wonder where the kids/adults get it from.
    they prob get it delieverd

  • Concerned for the youth

    We are aware unfortunately there is an issue of drug usage in the neighborhood and everyone says let us face the reality and deal to help stopit. We don’t want to close our eyes and let innocent youth and elders endangering their lives. But at the same time I feel you have to be more sensitive to what you post on your site, as many youth visit it and we have to protect their eys and ears from disturbing things like this.

  • more concerned


    please! most kids know more about drugs then you do!
    and besides, showing that in the end you get caught, can only do good.
    if you mean in general, well there is a very wide spread ad that says “say no to drugs”, so i guess most people disagree with you.

  • Boruch ben Tzvi HaKohaine Hoffinger

    He’s probably been arrested 100 times. He’ll be out soon. That’s America!
    Crime is good for the economy: the police are busy, gun dealers, criminal justice system, jails, undertakers, only problem, the average citizens suffer. Sometimes very badly!
    ”One nation, under D-g, with liberty and justice for SOME.”


    It is absolutely important to speak about this in the open. There are lots of people extremely naive or in denial about this subject.
    There’s a house on President (on the side closer to Union) between Kingston and Albany that is known to sell drugs and also many say that the non-Jewish store on Kingston between Crown and Carroll is also a “DRUG” store, sadly to say. Utica Avenue has it’s fair share of places etc…etc…
    Most people who use drugs, are not bad people, and they use it as a means to make themselves feel good and escape reality/life on whatever level. Drugs are almost always addictive, destructive- and sometimes fatal.
    Many use drugs to self-medicate and thereby do not deal with the true problems at hands, which simply exasperates the problem.
    Many convince themselves that marijuana is a mild drug, but it has been shown to affect the brain and other parts of the body, lo aleinu, and is also associated with certain types of “yene machla” and other illnesses, lo aleinu.
    Parents need to get real about the situation-discuss the situation with their children BEFORE it has already taken hold of their child’s life. Prevention is the best medicine-especially with addictive/destructive habits. If someone needs help to stop drug use, they should in no way be embaressed to get some.
    It is also important to note that if you know that someone is addicted to drugs it is your responsibility to do something about it. This is especially vital when asked about a shidduch. “If you know something, say something”
    To all those that have been tempted or offered drugs-DON’T DO IT-ONCE YOU START IT WILL BE SO HARD TO STOP.
    And for those who have loved ones who are already involved-IMMEDIATE action is needed-IT JUST GETS WORSE. Think of how hard it is to go on a REAL-LIFE LASTING diet, or how hard it is to not eat a piece of your most favorite nash-addictions are hard to break. Addictions are very difficult to break. SAY NO TO DRUGS and save yourself and your loved ones tons of heartache…!!!
    I think this community needs to actively fight this dreadful plague.

    May we hear good news.

  • concerned

    To: anon
    Chevre, be careful in your postings. This is a public forum and making racist remarks does not help our cause, it only makes us look bad

  • berger

    i don’t get it what yall think that theres no jewish criminals … lol… yall should visit TEL AVIV (also for the blacks) you will see crime.