Empowering the Kosher Balabustah

Crown Heights, Brooklyn — Over 30 years ago through a directive of the Rebbe, Mivtzah Kashrus began heightening Kashrus awareness throughout the world. By koshering homes for those newly committed to keeping kosher this Mivtzah ensures that Kashrus observance is available to every Jew. Through “Kosher week” in supermarkets, informative pamphlets, video presentations and quarterly newsletters, Mivtza Kashrus reaches out to our brothers and sisters regardless of their level of observance, economic status or location.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

The campaign also focuses on organizing informative lectures for the Crown Heights community. For the second time this year, over 400 Crown Heights balabustahs gathered in The Lubavitcher Yeshiva to be learn how to properly run their kosher kitchen. Rabbi Shmuel Bluming gave an overview on dealing with household help in the kitchen, the complexities of having only one oven and how to handle tricky situations that often arise. Many women were surprised to find out they learnt many new things they had not known before, such as not cooking Challa in a Felishige oven.

Earlier this year, Rabbi Hanoka gave a lecture about Kosher products and various Hechsherim. He clarified what does and what does not need a Hechsher and what level of Hechsherim are acceptable.

CDs of both events are available for $5 each and can be obtained by calling Mrs. Klein at (718) 493-8581.


  • BRHS Senior

    Chaya B. I don’t know how you do it Going to this and studting Inyonei?!#1 BAlabusta!

  • Was there

    This was a great lecture. Did you know that you are not allowed to make challah in an oven that is not clean from meat drippings. oven doesn’t have to be kashered first but must be clean. Guess Albany bakery is going to be making more business ;-)


    This lecture which was both interesting and informative, just goes to prove that our yeshivas are not emphasizing on enough on practical Halacha. Girls are being taught all kind of difficult hebrew subjects which will not be of much use to them in the future but are not being taught what they need in every day life as a jewish mother and balabasta.

    Practical Halacha should be a subject taught every single day! This is what jewish girls will be utilizing every single day of their lives be it as a career woman, mother AND WIFE AND/OR SHLUCHA.

  • Shiurim Now!

    Bubby Brina you are right on target! Furthermore shiurim should be held at least monthly on different practical halachas. ALL of us, old and young, can use refresher courses. In the zchus of our learning practical halacha, perhaps this community can be turned around for the better!

  • cc

    You know, it’s interesting what people take from every event/situation happening.
    Yes, it’s true that we should have more Shiurim and learn more practical things during school. I for one, am one that very often tries to attend shiurim, programs etc.
    But my first thought, at the program and viewing these photos, was “wow, this is so amazing. Us N’shei are so caring, so interested, coming out in such full crowds to make sure we are doing things right, to learn a little more and better, to have a higher level…”
    There were so many women there who are middle-aged mothers/grandmothers who definitly by now know how to run a Kosher kitchen just fine.
    Yet, even they came out. Young marrieds, older, middle aged, single girls…so many women came out in the evening, leaving their children and busy households to learn a little more, connect a little more…
    How beautiful! How inspiring! They could be going and doing whatever they want! Yet, they come out ‘in full force,’ in filled-to-capacity rooms when there is an opportunity to improve their Kashrus.
    B’zchus Nashim Tzidkanius…

  • wondering why everyone-s frying out!!!

    We are so careful about what goes INTO our mouths… but what about what comes OUT of our mouths???


  • BrookAve

    To: Was there…

    When I did my double applianced granite sub zeroed kitchen, I included another oven for parve so there wouldn’t be any shailos. Instead of supporting those tasteless bakeries, I suggest you get another oven. Blessed are the bread makers.