Australian Chabad School First to Integrate Cybersmart

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MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA — Cybersmart, the first national cybersafety education initiative of its kind, was launched July 13, at Chabad’s Beth Rivkah Ladies College of Melbourne. An interactive website designed to keep kids safe when using the internet, Cybersmart was provided by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).

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Shidduch Crisis or Shidduch Challenge?

Is there’ a “Shidduch Crisis” ? Not if you’ve been participating in the Brooklyn Ladies’ Shidduch Group. For us, well, we see only opportunities. With the motto “Let’s help each other.”, we’ve been meeting once or twice monthly for over one year. We meet in Flatbush, at Bais Menachem Mendel at 1000 East 17th St, and have developed a lively cameraderie. Mostly, ladies come and present someone single – sometimes their own child. Women have presented their siblings, their Shabbos guests, even themselves! Numerous professional shadchanim. have visited, as have a mashpiah presenting her mushpa, one mother who drove 4 hours from out-of-state to present her children, and visitors from California, Montreal, and Israel !

During the meetings, ladies present a profile of a single. General appearance, background information, style of religiosity and personality attributes are described. Other participants ask questions to clarify what the single is about or is seeking. Names of singles are not used.

Sale of Agriprocessors Approved by Bankruptcy Court

By Lynda Waddington for the Iowa Independent

POSTVILLE, IA — The sale of Agriprocessors in Postville was approved this morning by U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge Paul J. Kilburg to a newly formed company.

SHF Industries, a company formed in May by Canadian plastics manufacturer Hershey Friedman and his son-in-law Daniel Hirsch, is set to become the company’s new owners. Friedman has indicated that he will continue the plant as a meatpacking operation, and will continue to focus on kosher products.

Real Estate Agent’s Bankruptcy Hits Chabad

By Larry Hertz for the Poughkeepsie Journal

Shliach to Rhinebeck, Rabbi Hanoch Hecht giving a class

RHINEBECK — A Rhinebeck Jewish group’s plans to build a cultural and religious center in the town have been temporarily derailed by a real estate agent the organization later learned had filed for bankruptcy, the group’s leader said.

Head Shliach of Bangkok Visits Chabad of Melbourne CBD

Chabad of Melbourne CBD were honored to have Rabbi Yosef Chaim Kantor, Chief Rabbi of Thailand as their guest speaker today, Monday for their Businessmen Luncheon.

Rabbi Chaim Herzog, the Shliach of Chabad of Melbourne CBD welcomed Rabbi Kantor and said that he was sent to Thailand by the Lubavitcher Rebbe in May 1993 and now has 9 other emissaries helping him in his holy and inspiring work.

Bank of Israel Chief to Ultra-Orthodox Community: Get jobs!

By Motti Bassok for the Marker

ISRAEL — Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer on Monday called on the heads of the ultra-Orthodox sector in Israel to promote employment among Haredi men and women in order to minimize the prevalent poverty among them.

During a conference for the ultra-Orthodox community in Jerusalem, Fischer said that the low employment rate among the Haredi men and women was the root cause of for the high incidence of poverty, higher than any other sector in Israeli society, including the notoriously poor Arab sector.

Tragic Accident Claims the Life of Flatbush Yeshiva Student

WOODRIDGE, NY [CHI] — A tragic one-vehicle accident upstate New York left one Bochur dead, and a seriously injured passenger after the driver apparently fell asleep at the wheel. The incident took place on Route 58, Glen Wild Road near Woodridge in Sullivan County, right across from the Skvere Camp Beis Yitzchok.

Yeshiva World News reported that the Niftar is 19-year-old Yeshaya Dovid Eckstein OBM who lived on 8th Street in the Kensington section of Brooklyn.