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Mazal Tov ! It’s A Girl!

We would like to wish Mazal Tov to Michoel and Devorah Leah (nee Turk) Golomb (Crown Heights) on the birth of their daughter.

May the newborn be a source of Nachas to her parents, grandparents and Klal Yisroel.

Hasidic Rabbis’ Descendants Wed in Portland

Maine Sunday Telegram

Rabbi Moshe J. Kotlarsky, uncle of the groom, reads at Monday’s ceremony as the bride, Portland native Chaya Mushka Wilansky, and groom, Yossi Freedman, bow their heads. The couple were flanked by their mothers, Chana Wilansky and Sarah Freedman. Photo by Doug Jones.

PORTLAND, ME — During a historic and uplifting ceremony, the great-grandchildren of Hasidic rabbis were wed Monday night in Portland.

It was believed to be the first Hasidic wedding held in Maine in several decades.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes – Mrs. Zisel Klein OBM

With sadness we inform you of the passing of Mrs. Zisel bas Tzvi Klein, a long time resident of crown heights who was involved in variuse Chessed organizations including the Bikur Cholim for many years. Her husband Reb Aaron Klein OBM merited to be involved in the purchase of 770.

Mrs. Zisel is survived by Mrs. Devorah Faiga Goodman (Shlucha in Ashdod, Israel), Mrs. Gottlieb (Boro Park) and Mrs. Peri Garfinkel (Brooklyn).

The Levaya will take place today and will be leaving from Chevra Kadisha Shomrei Hachomos Ft. Hamilton Pkwy. & 41st St. at 3:00pm and will be passing by 770 at around 3:30pm and passing by her home at 741 Montgomery St. The kevurah will be in Eretz Yisroel.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes

New Playgrounds for Crown Heights Public School and Community

Cracked Asphalt Lot Transformed into a Vibrant Play Space By Student Design at P.S. 221

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Last week students celebrated the new community playground they helped design at P.S. 221 at 791 Empire Boulevard in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. The new playground will be available to the school’s 650 pre-kindergarten-through-fifth grade students and to families from the surrounding community.

Mazal Tov! – 3 Tuesday Night L’Chaims!

Tzvi Greenberg (Morristown, NJ) and Chaya Morosow (Crown Heights) .
IYH at the Jewish Children’s Museum, 792 Eastern Pkwy [corner Kingston Ave].

Yonatan Sanford (Seattle, WA) and Sarah Williamson (Pittsburgh, PA) .
IYH at Beis Levi Yitzchok, 556 Crown St. [entrance on Albany Ave].

Levi Hershkowitz (Crown Heights) and Avigail Fradkin (Montreal, Canada) .
IYH at 1586 Carroll St [between Troy and Schenectady Ave].

To submit your Simcha or Mazal Tov email us at!!

New Parking Regulations on Empire Blvd.

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Over the last week the Department of Transportation changed out street parking signs along the corners of Empire Boulevard restricting parking close to the intersections. So far the intersections of Troy and Empire along with Brooklyn and Empire have been changed to no parking zones.

Colel Chabad’s Mass Bar Mitzvah for 107 Orphans

JERUSALEM, Israel [CHI] — A unique, special project is nearing its realization—the central mass celebration of 107 Bar Mitzvah boys from all across Israel who joined for a preparatory course under the auspices of social-services organization Colel Chabad.

New Rivkin Music Video “The Promise” Released Soon

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The recently released Mayer Rivkin Music Video “It Happened Yom Kippur”, revived by Infinity Productions, will soon be sent out in HD DVD form, to over 1000 Shluchim throughout the United States. A colorful attractive jacket and packaging with original graphic art-work, was prepared for this music video. The song was composed and the lyrics written during the summer of 1974 at Camp Gan Israel, Montreal, Canada. It describes a young Israeli soldier in a conversation with his father, as he prepares to go into battle.