The Rebbe’s Birthday is Exciting. Why?

This week, The Moshiach Office at Merkos 302 launched the fifth segment of the ‘We Don’t Have to Wait’ series entitled: Essence: I am, therefore I’m free. In it, the reader will explore a fundamental aspect to adopting a Moshiach Mindset – living in a world where it’s the essence that matters most.

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Picture of the Day

This UPS delivery man is taking the last two “Shabbaton in a Box”s from Merkos Suite 302 for delivery. The boxes are being shipped to over 1,000 young Shluchim who are gathering in 91 locations worldwide for “Shabbos Tzuzamen,” a global Shabbaton happening this week.

Kaliningrad: Grave of ‘Father of Musar’ Movement Renovated

Towards the 139th memorial day of the passing of the renowned rabbi and scholar, founder of the Musar movement, Rabbi Yisrael Lipkin, more commonly known as Reb Yisroel Salanter, his gravesite in the Russian city of Kaliningrad (once Königsberg) was renovated by his descendants, the Ohalei Tzadikim Association, and the local Chabad rabbi and communal activist Avraham Baruch Deitch.