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Mazal Tov's View More

8:00pm: How to Resolve a Disagreement With My Spouse Whose Covid Paranoia Is Adversely Impacting Our Lives?

The topics in this week’s 391st episode of the highly acclaimed MyLife: Chassidus Applied series, with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, will include: How to Resolve a Disagreement With My Spouse Whose Covid Paranoia Is Adversely Impacting Our Lives? How Should We Respond to the Claims That the Holocaust Was Not Racist? Is Judaism a Race or a Religion? Did the Rebbe Say That by Increasing in Simcha Sixty Fold During These Two Months of Adar All Negativity Will Be Nullified? What Attitude Should We Have to Those Struggling With Transgender Issues? What Do You Think About the Term OTD (Off the Derech)? What Advice Did the Rebbe Give Us to Stay Safe Living in Crown Heights?