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CHAI LIFELINE: Going Through It, Growing Through It – How Do I Know If My Stress Is Too Much?

Chai Lifeline presents “Going Through It, Growing Through It: Torah Perspectives and Mindful Coping in the Age of COVID-19,” a new lecture series offering divrei chizuk, psychological, and practical guidance during the current health crisis. The series will include video and audio recordings of renowned rabbanim, speakers, and mental health experts, as well as members of Chai Lifeline’s crisis intervention team, Project Chai.

Video of the Day

We can all agree that Black, White, and all Variety of Lives Matter, as do All Lives Matter equally. But this guy took another direction, making it clear that all music matters by blasting an MBD hit song at a protest in Crown Heights on Sunday.

Op-Ed: A letter To The Mayor

A Crown Heights resident, astounded at the complete disconnect between the Mayor of New York City and the reality in it, wrote an letter to Mr. de Blasio, regarding plans to defund the police, and where to start.

Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim Brunoy, Always Learning

The Yeshiva in Brunoy is one of the best and most esteemed Chabad Yeshivos in the World. There are close to 300 Students in the Yeshiva who receive a Chassidishe education, engaging in Davening and learning with Yiras Shomayim based on the foundations of Tomchei Temimim. Even during the Coronavirus the Yeshiva continued to provide for their students. Now, the Yeshiva needs your help!

Minneapolis City Council Vows to Disband Local Police

A majority of the Minneapolis City Council vowed on Sunday to disband the local police department, The Hill reported. Nine of the council’s 13 members made the pledge, according to the report. Members of the council told The New York Times they plan to work with the local community to develop the new system following the death of George Floyd.