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Video of the Day

A congregant at Chabad of Palos Verdes, CA relates the tale of his encounter of the Rebbe. Although the encounter seems normal at first glance, the truth of what happened was only discovered years later.

Tiferes Bachurim Brings Zoom Into Reality With Over 40 New Students

Following school protocol all Rabbinical College of America classes resumed last week via the now well-known Zoom platform. Unexpected though, was the international demand for learning opportunities. Heeding the call, Tiferes Bachurim staff collaborated and organized to reach out and absorb what turned into; continuous applicants! Over 40 new students, from several states and countries, have since joined the programs.

Worldwide Virtual Kinus Hashluchim

Replacing in person regional Kinusim this year, thousands of shluchim are attending today’s groundbreaking Virtual Kinus Hashluchim, which has more than 25 workshops presented by shluchim, mashpiim, mechanchim and other professionals on topics of Ish U’beiso, Shlichus programming, financial matters and much more.