Campaign For 200 Women To Do Hafrashos Challah
Two girls in the Chabad community have launched a campaign to have at least 200 women do one of the special Mitzvos of women this week; Hafrashos Challah.
Two girls in the Chabad community have launched a campaign to have at least 200 women do one of the special Mitzvos of women this week; Hafrashos Challah.
The Rabbonim of Crown Heights have published a clarification to their recently released letter closing the shuls and men’s Mikvahs of Crown Heights. The rabbonim cleared the question of outdoor minyanim, stating that they are forbidden, and must stop. They also forbade most gatherings for Simchas.
Being in quarantine shouldn’t mean not being able to listen to quality Shiurim. With schools, Shuls and other Mosdos locked down, InsideChassidus has made available over ten thousand Shiurim available online for free.
With great sadness we inform you of the passing of Rebbetzin Thelma Levy, OBM. A resident of Crown Heights Brooklyn, she passed away today the 22nd of Adar, 5780.
Obviously, it is a bitter pill not being able to daven with a minyan, but as is noted in the attached story, taken from my book “The Brothers of Slavita” we should recognize that this is also ratzon Hashem.
As the Coronavirus outbreak spreads to other Jewish communities in New York City, Chevra Hatzalah’s central office has released a community wide alert regarding coronavirus.
Rabbi Chaim Dalfin, author and Chasidic historian shares interesting facts, many revealed for the first time in a special episode following the historic closing of 770. The purpose of his program is to inspire all but especially the youth. Watch another installment here on CrownHeights.info.
In a historic first, the doors to 770 were chained shut for more than a few hours. The entire 770 has been shut due to a psak from the Rabbonim of Crown Heights to shut all shuls and men’s Mikvahs in the community.
Governor Andrew Cuomo announced today that President Donald Trump has agreed to dispatch a floating hospital called the USNS Comfort to help with the coronavirus crisis.
A hotline to answer Coronavirus related questions is being launched for the Crown Heights Jewish community. Staffed by medical professionals from the Gedaliah Society, the hotline will be available to answer the communities medical questions regarding the virus.
What was thought to be 16 Dead Sea Scroll fragments housed at the Museum of the Bible in Washington, DC, were discovered to be forgeries following an in-depth investigation, reported National Geographic last week.
Rabbi Nochum Kaplan gives tips and advice on how best to weather the COVID-19 outbreak while at home with your children.
Vayehi Erev Vayehi Boker. Outdoor Minyanim continue throughout Crown Heights as people attempt to balance social distancing with keeping to safe habits. Reminder that as per the Beis Din of Crown Heights and medical professionals, anyone over the age of 65, and those who are high risk should not be out in public..
When Hal Fuchs found out that his friend Rabbi Levi Goldstein is in critical condition, he stepped in to put on tefillin in his stead.
As information about the Coronovirus started coming out, the administration of Cheder Chabad of Baltimore held emergency meetings to create contingency plans in the event that schools in Maryland need to close down. At the beginning of last week, teachers were guided on how to start preparing for the eventuality that schools will be closed.
During these challenging times, as many parents and children are home, Artscroll is offering a free download of any single volume of the Schottenstein Edition of the Hebrew or English Talmud or the Schottenstein Edition Mishnah Elucidated.