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Weekly Story: I Will Change My Schedule, To Accommodate You

During the farbrengens in the past few weeks, many stories were related about the Rebbe. While all of them are inspiring, I chose to post one that not only is it inspiring, but it is something we all can emulate. I heard it from Rabbi Kasriel Kastel, who shared it on chof ches Sivan this year. On behalf of all our readers we thank him and bless him with continued tremendous success in his shlichus in Tzach (Lubavitch Youth Organization).

2 Killed in Crash East of Jerusalem

Two people were killed in a traffic accident east of Jerusalem Friday morning. The crash occurred on westbound Route 1, near the Israeli town of Mitzpeh Yericho, east of Jerusalem, when a car flipped over. Two people inside the car, both in their 20s, were killed. A third victim, approximately 18 years of age, was seriously injured.

Postville Yeshiva To Certify Students in Kidushin

Entering its third successful year, the Postville Zal is adding a new dimension to the coming year by bringing practical application to learning. In addition to the Mivtza Torah for finishing the Gemara of Mesechtas Kidushin, the Bochurim will be learning with the goal to be tested by Rabbi Shlomo Segal, Chaver Beis Din of Crown Heights, to become certified to be able to be Mesader Kidushin. This will enhance the learning of the Bochurim, and they will walk away with a tangible benefit that can be used in the position of Rabbi or Shliach.

BDE: Rachel Smith, 43, OBM

With great sadness we report the passing of Rachel (Gabriella) Smith OBM, a beloved wife and mother of 4 from Ramat Bet Shemesh, Israel. She passed away on Tuesday, the 6th of Tammuz, 5779.