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CSSY Makes Pre-Yomtov Plea for Help

“While you are out shopping for cheesecake and other delicacies for Shavuos, please take a minute and think about your friends, neighbors and relatives who are calling us for money and knocking on our door so that they can buy challah and milk for Yom Tov,” writes director of Chevra Simchas Shabbos V’Yomtov (CSSY) Rabbi Bentzion Stock in a letter to the Crown Heights community.


Rabbi Steinsaltz Receives Jerusalem Award

Mayor Nir Barkat of Jerusalem paid a visit to the home of Rabbi Adin Even-Israel-Steinsaltz on Monday afternoon to present the renowned scholar and author with the Yakir Yerushalayim (Worthy Citizen of Jerusalem) medal, which would be presented later that evening to 11 other recipients at a ceremony at the Tower of David in Jerusalem’s Old City.

First Yahrtzeit of David T. Chase Observed

This Sunday marked the passing of a historical figure: David T. Chase. Fittingly, David’s children and grandchildren chose this special day to visit the Rabbinical College of America in Morristown. They selected David’s first Yahrtzeit as an appropriate time to bask in the beauty of the campus that bears their father’s name, and to participate in a memorial ceremony.

Great Parade Welcomes Those with Special Needs

On Sunday, May 14th, 2017 Jews worldwide celebrated Lag Baomer, a day celebrating the life and learning of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai and Rabbi Akiva. In Brooklyn, New York, a huge parade was arranged by the NCFJE, bringing together people from all different backgrounds and from many different walks of life. This year more than ever, those with special needs were not left out.

Music Video: Fly Away by Nissim

Filmed in South Africa, Fly Away is the message of a young teen who is part of a community of converts to Judaism living in the slums of Johannesburg, where basic necessities like running water and electricity are nothing more than a dream and violence and fear are part of the daily diet. Against all odds, the light of Judaism burns brightly with his soul, giving him the confidence to believe that, like Nissim, he too will one day able to emerge from a cocoon of darkness into a world illuminated by the beauty of a life filled with Torah.