College Student Killed After Intervening to Help ‘Troubled’ Friend
Jason Henry, 21, was gunned down by one of two men involved in an argument on Empire Blvd. in Crown Heights. The gunman was still at large as of Thursday afternoon.
Jason Henry, 21, was gunned down by one of two men involved in an argument on Empire Blvd. in Crown Heights. The gunman was still at large as of Thursday afternoon.
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Chabad Shluchim to Caracas, Venzuela Rabbi Yosef and Goldie Slavin – who have been publishing a weekly Dvar Torah video for the past five years, marked the Bar Mitzvah of their son Dov with a special tribute in the Tu B’shvat Video.
Project TEAM took center stage in preschools around New Jersey and will be available for the first time at the Kinus HaShluchos to be licensed nationally. Project TEAM, short for Torah Approach to Emotional Awareness and Middos, is a project of Tzivos Hashem.
A thief who had been stealing mail from mailboxes was arrested late Tuesday night after an alert resident spotted him stealing mail from a building on Brooklyn Avenue and called the police.
Students in Beis Rivka who participated in the Box Tops program were rewarded after thousands were turned in which netted the school hundreds of dollars. The girls received award certificates and ices as a reward.
Rabbi Benny Hershcovich, Shliach in Cabo, Mexico, delivers his brief and hilarious thought on this weeks Parasha, Yisro, titled ‘Why You Even Exist!’. In this weeks video he gives a special nod to the Kinus Hashluchos. Technical difficulties prevent this […]
In honor of Parash Yisro, the Parasha in which the Jews received the ten commandments from G-d, the young girls in Beis Rivkah’s head start got a hands-on learning experience about Shabbos, and what goes into preparing for it.
Rather stand idly by and remain victims, a group of Jewish men sprung into action Wednesday and apprehended a man whom they had witnessed breaking into a minivan. Other passersby ran to the police station for help.
Some striking school bus drivers may have a new incentive to get back to work, as they will lose their health benefits tomorrow if they do not get back behind the wheel.
A man in his late 20’s was found dead, of apparent gunshot wounds, between two parked cars on Empire Boulevard.
This weekend, Crown Heights is proud to host thousands of Shluchos from around the world for the annual Kinnus Hashluchos. With their husbands and children holding down the fort back at home, let’s take a moment to reflect upon the pivotal role of the Jewish woman.
This past Sunday, the largest Tzivos Hashem Rally in the state of Florida, Family Adventure Day, took place with over 4,000 children with their parents.
The former Three Bears Restaurant is about to become a religious and community center, the attorney who helped close the deal said Wednesday.
Thousands of Shluchos are expected to take part in the annual Kinus this weekend, with registration opening Wednesday evening. Shluchos greeted each other – many of whom have not seen one another since the last Kinus!
Bags Packed …Ready to Go? Though thousands of shluchos are packing their bags in preparation for the upcoming Kinus HaShluchos, The Chabad House Compass Magazine directs this question to the yaldei hashluchim and their parents in a panel discussion on adjusting to the in-town yeshiva/high school experience in its soon-to-be-released issue, entitled “A Shliach Is Never Alone.”
A reader sent us in photos of a man getting arrested outside 770 late this afternoon as a crowd looked on. It was not immediately clear why he was arrested. During this weekend police are on heightened alert with the Kinus Hashluchos underway in Crown Heights.