Storm Heading Our Way Could Be Worst in 100 Years


Hurricane Sandy may combine with a second storm coming out of the Midwest to create a system that would rival the New England hurricane of 1938 in intensity, said Paul Kocin, a National Weather Service meteorologist in College Park, Maryland. The hurricane currently passing the Bahamas has killed 21 people across the Caribbean, the Associated Press reported, citing local officials.

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Officials Demand Apology for “Black Hats” Remark

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NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg crowed quite contentedly in an interview with The Atlantic about pushing back against those who opposed his measure to regulate metzitzah b’peh. “I think it’s fair to say that nobody else would take that on. I mean, come on! Forget about the fact that—“They do what!?”—Who wants to have 10,000 guys in black hats outside your office screaming?” the Mayor was quoted as saying.

Energy Healer Enthralls Nightlife Audience

Nightlife’s third event of the 5773 academic year went off without a hitch this past Monday evening, October 22, 2012. Mendel Morosow, known for his special ability to heal and guide through seeing energy with his mind’s eye, spoke to a packed crowd of enthralled young women. Morosow spoke about his work and inherent talent, and patiently and thoughtfully answered attendees’ various questions.

Picture of the Day: New Parking Meters on Kingston

The city has installed brand new parking meters along Kingston Ave., increasing the likelihood you will find parking next time you go shopping – but decreasing the likelihood you will be able to afford it.

Op-Ed Response: Don’t Blame the Mesorah

by Yehuda Adelist

I write this op-ed as a response to Eyal Rav-Noy’s article titled, “Op-Ed: Why Mendel Can’t Read” from Oct 24th. As a Lubavitcher Special educator directing a learning enhancement program in Crown Heights which includes children with reading difficulties, I am compelled to respond to some of the views outlined in the article which I feel are heretic in nature from a spiritual standpoint and inaccurate and misleading from a professional standpoint.