Author Returns to Scandinavia to Tell of WWII Heroism

Left: Renowned artist Lenke Rothman (left), a Holocaust survivor living in Scandinavia, speaks to the author. Right: Chana Shafstein as a young girl in Sweden.

A Scandinavian expatriate who witnessed the destruction of Europe from the relative safety of Stockholm returns to the city of her youth in a new book exploring the country’s history during World War II and in its aftermath.

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Chabad Promises Ohel Will Be Orderly on 3 Tammuz

Queens Chronicle

Rabbi Abba Refson, head of Congregation Ohel Chabad Lubavitch in Cambria Heights, says this year’s pilgrimage to the grave of the sect’s beloved leader, the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, will be “more orderly.” It is scheduled for June 21 to 24, and about 20,000 people are expected to make the trip.

Hadar Hatorah Celebrates Golden Jubilee

by Daniel Keren

Hundreds of alumni of Yeshivas Kol Yaakov Yehudah – Hadar Hatorah, the world’s first yeshiva especially designed to provide a quality Torah education to baalei teshuvah or young men from assimilated backgrounds, came from all over the country to attend the special 50th Anniversary Jubilee Gala Dinner that was held at the Jewish Children’s Museum in Crown Heights on June 3rd/13 Sivan.

Shomrim Show & Tell at Beis Rivkah Headstart

The students of Morahs Chana Kratz and Tzippy Robinson in Beis Rivkah Headstart all came to school today with a toy vehicle to share with their classmates for ‘Show & Tell.’ Belle Hershkop brought a real vehicle to school – a Shomrim scooter, along with her dad, Shomrim volunteer Chaim Hershkop.

Op-Ed: My Kids Will Go Hungry This Week, Thanks to Mr. Bloomberg

by Leah S.

I’m a hard working mother of four. My husband takes the subway to work in the morning and returns home in the early evening; I remain at home with the two younger ones. I am busy all day cooking, cleaning, feeding, changing, nursing and bathing. Many of you will sympathize with me (I know Ann Romney will) when I say that I work every day; I just don’t get paid for it.

Trailer for New JEM Video: Joy!

After many years of work and many millions of dollars of investment, The Living Archive has finally completed preservation of all motion film and video materials in its archive. In celebration of this momentous milestone, JEM is pleased to present these selected highlights from the archive, of precious moments of joy with the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, and his chasidim.

Florida Seminary Girls to Study ‘Hemshech Ayin Beis’

by Reuven Arazi

Students of the Chaya Aydel Seminary in Hallandale Beach, Florida.

The Chaya Aydel Seminary in Hallandale Beach, Florida, has added to their curriculum the study of the renowned Hemshech Ayin Beis, the lengthy series of discourses from the Rebbe Rashab. This past Shavuos marked the 100th anniversary since this “Wondrous and Profound” series of Maamorim began in the town of Lubavitch in 5672 (1912).