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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 74% OFF Mini Drone with Camera – 1080P HD Foldable Drone

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Dutch Soccer Fans: ”Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the Gas”

by Manfred Gerstenfeld – Ynet

Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs — Chabad representative and chief rabbi of the Dutch interprovincial rabbinate — said that he, together with a non-Jewish psychologist, once entered a train full of Feyenoord supporters. When these fans saw them, they started to chant: “Jews to the gas.” Jacobs said that he got the feeling that the whole train of “ordinary Dutchmen” was against them.

Anti-Semitism is a recurrent problem in the world of soccer. Nowhere else, however, is the origin of wide-spread anti-Semitic chants in stadiums as bizarre as in the Netherlands.

Jews From Around the World Unite in Venice

Hundreds of Jewish travelers lined tables along Venice, Italy’s Cannaregio Canal one recent Friday night for a starlit Sabbath dinner so big it had to happen in three shifts. Italian, Hebrew, French and English echoed through the streets as they started an event many had come to Venice specifically to experience. And it all took place just steps from where the gates to the area’s Jewish Ghetto once stood.

Shomrim Rescue Boy Trapped in His Bicycle

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — Children have always found new and innovative way to get themselves stuck in a tangled situation, from pulling a potty trainer over their head, or getting twisted in a seatbelt of a car, but combine crocks and a bicycle and you end up with a terrified little boys leg squished between a pedal and the bike frame.

Op-Ed: In The Box

by R.B

A box. What is it? Four sides. A top. A bottom. All square and straight and rigid.

Lots of things can go inside a box. Presents come in boxes. Hardware devices. Kitchen appliances. Furniture. Gifts. Jewelry.

People come in boxes. Oh, they don’t?

Merkos Shlichus Blog: Socializing in the South

by Hirshi Sputz and Yehoshua H. Mishulovin

As dedicated Roving Rabbis we continuously look out for Jewish people and see how we could be of assistance for anything Jewish they need. Throughout our journeys we have had many inspirational episodes. The following is one of our most amazing experiences:

Bike4Friendship Cross Country Tour Comes Full Circle

Ventura County Star

Three rabbinical school graduates ride though the desert of Arizona as part of their cross-country trip to raise awareness for children with special needs and the Friendship Circle. Photo: Leibel Krinsky

A little over a year ago Zalmi Perlman was having pizza with a friend in Jerusalem when they came up with the idea to bicycle across the United States to benefit special needs children.

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Time for the Jewish Community to End the Sharpton Wars

Huffington Post

Twenty years ago, race riots erupted in Crown Heights and an innocent Jewish student was murdered in response to the accidental killing of an African-American child. After the murder, the Rev. Al Sharpton came to Crown Heights and further whipped up an already incensed crowd, leaving some in the Jewish community to demand twenty years later that Sharpton be forever shunned by Jewry and criticizing my friend Rabbi Marc Schneier for inviting him to the Hampton Synagogue.

Israeli Bochur Found Innocent in Japan

The notorious Japanese Chiba prison, where Yoel Zev Goldstein is being held.

It is with shevach vehodaah to the Ribono Shel Olam that we report that the final verdict of Yoel Goldstein, Yoel Zev ben Mirel Risa Chava, was rendered just moments ago at the Chiba District Court in Japan and he has been found innocent.