Shomrim Rescue Boy Trapped in His Bicycle

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — Children have always found new and innovative way to get themselves stuck in a tangled situation, from pulling a potty trainer over their head, or getting twisted in a seatbelt of a car, but combine crocks and a bicycle and you end up with a terrified little boys leg squished between a pedal and the bike frame.

One of the boy’s parents called Shomrim with the unusual rescue job and Shomrim volunteers raced to the scene. When they arrived they found that the boy’s foot was so stuck that the chain held the pedal bar in place and they could not safely remove his foot.

One volunteer brought out his mini-Hurst tool, also known as a spreader or the Jaws of Life, and together with three other volunteers they pried apart the bike and got the boys foot out.

“Had the boy been wearing proper shoes his foot would have probably not been able to have gotten caught there” said a Shomrim member.

The parents thanked Shomrim.


  • Shomer Yisroel

    The parents and Shomrim should have called the police first ;)

    For the people by the people!

    Thank you all who volunteer and G-D bless!

  • This happened to me as a kid

    It was terrifying, I still remember it. I couldn’t walk for 2 weeks after and they had to cut the bike to release my foot. And yes, I was wearing flip flops, totally inappropriate for bike riding. I sure learnt my lesson!

  • greatful parent

    My son was wearing propper shoes which i had removed before shomrim came to make sure there was blood circulation. some of the coments are so interesting….. Shomrim came and were caring and very helpful! Obviously! Thank you again for saving our son from an otherwise very traumatic experience if we would have called the police. We in crown heights should not take for granted all the amazing people who help us!

  • Yossi

    My 6 year old son was riding the other day and got his back tzitzis caught in the chain. The tzitzis slid up o his nck and almost choked him. fom now on I remind him to tuck in his tzitzis when he rides his bike.

    Please be aware if this danger, especially for small bikes/kids where the seat is closer to the chain.

  • Agent Emes

    To # 7 he (the shomrim guy) better make sure that CHW doesn’t put him on there HIT-LIST, and if you think I’m being funny you’re wrong b/c that’s the way they operate they promised Rabbi ….. that they’ll have at least 10 jaws locked up in the first year of storm trooping.
    Yetamu chatoim v’loi chotim hashem yerachem alehem v’oleinu.

  • Letz

    While they sure got his foot out in one piece, look what <i> nebach <i/> happened to his face :-)

  • #6

    BH the child is fine.
    Just curiouswhat really happened – if his foot was “so stuck” how did you get the shoes off? Any why would you then put on crocks?

    Just shows you can never believe what you see in print.

  • to letz

    the kid,s face is fine.the picture was deliberatery smeared by the face to hide the kid,s identity.if you will notice that in the 2nd to last picture there is also a partial view from another kids face.that other kid his face was also smeared for the same reason to hide his identity as well.