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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 42% OFF DEWALT 20V MAX Cordless Drill and Impact Drive

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DEWALT 20V MAX Cordless Drill and Impact Drive

Power Tool Combo Kit with 2 Batteries and Charger

DEAL PRICE: $139.00 (42% OFF)


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PSA: More Produce Being Distributed – NOW!

Beginning now, 7:00pm, a truck is unloading many skids with fresh Grapefruits, Onions, Apples and Potatos which is being distributed for free for all those who want. The produce is being distributed on East New York Avenue between Kingston and Brooklyn. There is no need to be on any lists, just come and take.


Florida Seminary Publishes Haggadah

by Haim Adelson

On the 110th birthday of Rebbitzen Chaya Mushka, obm, the students and staff of the Chaya Aydel Seminary in Hallandale Beach, Florida, published a unique Haggadah, “At Psach Lo”, with essays and insights written by the Seminary students.

7th Graders Compete in Hilchos Tefillin

Seventh graders from Lubavitcher Yeshiva and Oholei Torah gathered in the Zal of Oholei Torah last night for the finale of the Halichos Oilam competition in the Halachos of Tefillin. There were 48 Contestants in total, and they amazed the crowd of gathered parents and friends with their knowlage.

Update: Four People Shot on Utica Avenue

Orange cones mark the locations of bullet casings which littered the sidewalk.

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — Two people were shot in a hail of bullets as a fresh wave of violence erupted on Utica Avenue, and police are searching for a single gunman described a 15-year-old black male.

Being a Jew in Moscow has Become Easier


Representative of the Chief Rabbinate of Russia with foreigners Yakov Klein participated in a meeting with USA vice-president Joe Biden. Interfax-Religion asks Yakov Klein about his work in English-speaking community in Russia and his meeting with the American politician.

City Council Criticizes Bloomberg’s Budget Proposal

Wall Street Journal

File Photo: New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg walks with City Council Speaker Christine Quinn.

The New York City Council officially responded Friday to Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s preliminary budget proposal, telling the mayor it would be imprudent to slash critical city services or short-circuit the city’s economic recovery.

Did you say the ‘Nasi’ Today? (Yom Zayin)

From the Safer Haminhagim: [Every day from Rosh Chodesh Nissan until the twelfth of the month, usually after Shacharis,] one reads the passage [from Bamidbar 7-8:4] that describes the offering brought on that day by a particular Nasi, or tribal prince, for the dedication of the altar of the Mishkan. [In common parlance, each day’s passage itself is often referred to as “the Nasi.”] This daily reading is followed by the prayer which opens with the words yehi ratzon (and which appears in Siddur Torah Or [as well as in Siddur Tehillat HaShem, p. 371]). This prayer is recited even by a Kohen or a Levi [despite its seeming relevance only to tribes other than the Tribe of Levi]. [284]