Tanya Baal Peh – 6,703 Lines of Tanya Learned!

This past Friday, Talmidim of the second grade from Oholei Torah has a special assembly in honor of their Tanya Competition, which they learned in memory of Rabbi Levi Deitsch OBM, a Shliach of the Rebbe, and a proud alumnus of Oholei Torah.

The talmidim memorized a total of 6,703 lines of Tanya! Each talmid received a personalized certificate for their participation. The Siyum of their learning was connected with Yud Aleph Nissin, the Rebbe’s birthday.

Sunday was a grand trip to adventureland, where the students enjoyed a day of fun and games, a prize for their hard studies.

As part of the conclusion of the Tanya Campaign, the talmidim wrote what the project meant to them. Many wrote how meaningful it is to learn Tanya, and become better chassidim of the Rebbe.

Rabbi Meir Shimshoni, principal of Oholei Torah, thanked all those who helped make this completion the great success it was.


  • Very proud mother

    These boys learned perek alef, perek lamed beis and are in middle of perek mem alef!

    Very impressive

    Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures

    And thank you for organizing a beautiful trip for the boys

  • mother

    My son had a great time. Thanks for giving the boys a well deserved trip!!!

  • Proud Father

    My kid keeped on asking me to test him on his own. Great idea. They worked hard. 2nd grade rebbis rock.