7th Graders Compete in Hilchos Tefillin

Seventh graders from Lubavitcher Yeshiva and Oholei Torah gathered in the Zal of Oholei Torah last night for the finale of the Halichos Oilam competition in the Halachos of Tefillin. There were 48 Contestants in total, and they amazed the crowd of gathered parents and friends with their knowlage.

Halichos Olam is a program for seventh grade to encourage and guide them in the study of Hilichos Tefillin based on the sefer “Shvach Yokor” authored by Rabbi Shmuel Hurwitz. The program was established by the Igud Menahalei Yeshivos of Crown Heights for boys of Oholei Torah and United Lubavitch Yeshiva of Crown Street in the goal to expand the knowledge of Halacha and Yiras Shamayim of the talmidim of our community.

The program was founded in memory of HaRav Marlow a”h whom the Rebbe referred to as ‘Ish Halacha’ – a man of Jewish Law; HaRav Marlow’s life was dedicated to the knowledge and clarification of Halacha. The program is sponsored by a talmid, Reb Shimon Aaron Rosenfeld.

Eligibility to be a participant in the Chidon is through receiving above an 80% on written tests. Each boy receives monetary reward. For 90% the reward is greater.

The finale of the program was a Chidon amongst 48 contestants. Rabbi Shmuel Hurwitz and Rabbi Hershel Morozow formed the panel of judges. The audience of parents, melamdim, community members and fellow students were astounded at the ability of the participants to quote the Halocho almost verbatim. The event was chaired by Rabbi Hershel Lustig – Dean of Oholei Menachem who also serves as coordinator of the program.

Winners of the Chidon:

1st place: Ari Hotzman and Moshe Uminer
2nd place: Mendel Gopin and Mendel Baron
3rd place: Levi Parnes, Yisroel Tulshinsky and Yecheskel Ben-Shimon


  • to 1

    each boy got two questions, and they wrote the answer on a paper,and that put together with their test mark,got the winner.

  • Proud of Moishe U!

    Mazal Tov Moishe U. Your family in Chestnut Hill is so proud of you!! You are such a great guy. Well done!