PSA: More Produce Being Distributed – NOW!

Beginning now, 7:00pm, a truck is unloading many skids with fresh Grapefruits, Onions, Apples and Potatos which is being distributed for free for all those who want. The produce is being distributed on East New York Avenue between Kingston and Brooklyn. There is no need to be on any lists, just come and take.

The distribution is being done l’zchus Refoel Chaim ben Chana, in coordination with Crown Heights Shomrim.

This is the third year Shomrim has arranged such a distribution for the sole purpose of easing the burden of celebrating Yom Tov.


  • Crown Heights

    I am almost in tears just reading the local news!!! This really is the home of the lamplighters!!! Thank you shomrim, volunteers, community organizations and all the baalei chesed of this community who do and give so much!!! Thank you from all of THY PEOPLE OF ISRAEL! May this passover bring true redemption for us all!!!

  • Leah

    This is wonderful.
    Is there any program in place for people in crown heights who have noone to share the sedarim with?

  • cle

    I only saw this when it was too late. could people call each other when these things come up? Is there another way to find out about this?

  • Bill

    “This only happens in frum communities”

    Do you really believe this? There are plenty of Christian and secular charities that are feeding hundreds of thousands of mouths a day. And what about the various “Jewish Family Services” which also take care of many needy people.

    This is not, C”V to denigrate the work of those who distribute these Pesach goods, which is truly incredible. But really, orthodox Jews are not the only ones who do good things.

  • thank you

    u guys are incredible. it s amazing that the way that ur helping out so many people in our community. thank you thank you