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Video: Tisha B’av with the Rebbe

In this week’s JEM Living Torah clip: Morning prayers on Tisha B’av, at the Rebbe’s house on President street. Tisha B’av Nidcheh – 10 Menachem Av, 5748 – July 24, 1988.

Building the Third Temple from your Phone

3rd Temple iPhone app

If you’re like most Jewish folk out there, you love to score Mitzvah points just by the click of a button. But what if you could use your phone for more than just sending a “get well” text or learning with your study-partner? What if you could do larger-than-life type of Mitzvahs, like, oh, say…build the Beis Hamikdash?

Notes from Roving Rabbis

Jacksonville was among 2500 cities worldwide visited by rabbinical students who spent part of their summer canvassing small, isolated communities. While not as exotic and remote as Vietnam, Ireland or Peru, our pair of roving Rabbis had quite some stories to tell.

Love Your Fellow Crown Heightser As Yourself!

In response to the recent op-eds on, a resident emailed us a letter addressed to the whole community. She reminds everyone, as Lubavitchers we must love every Jew, whether we understand or agree with them.

Dmitriy Salita Humbled, But Not Down

Brooklyn Jewish Chasidic boxer, Dmitriy Salita is humbled after his humiliating loss in England to Amir Khan. Suffering his first defeat of his professional career some seven months ago. However Salita is not down for the count, the real fight has just begun.

Shliach Defends Israeli Cosmetic Products

Rabbi Aaron Raskin showed his support for Israel by buying Ahava cosmetics at Rickey’s on Montague Street this week, bucking Israel opponents who rallied outside the shop last week.

Shliach to Brooklyn Heights, Rabbi Aaron Raskin went shopping simply to “make a stand” against an anti-Israel demonstration. Rabbi Raskin publicly bought Ahava cosmetic products, making a stand in support of Israel

Book of the Month: The Gutnick Chumash

Rabbi Chaim Miller wrote a Chumash with a translation that incorporates Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson’s “novel interpretation” of Rashi’s commentary, which was delivered in a series of public talks that began in 1964 and continued for more than 25 years. The translation, called “The Gutnick Edition Chumash”, published in a bilingual Hebrew-English edition that includes a running commentary anthologized from classic rabbinic texts.

The Laws of Mourning – Laws and Customs Tisha B’Av

As part of our mourning for the destruction of the Temple and the exile of Israel, we abstain from many pleasurable activities on the night and day of Av 9—starting with sundown on the eve of the day before, and concluding with the following nightfall (click here for exact times in your location).

In NYC the fast begins tonight at 8:23pm and ends tomorrow at 8:54pm. See the link for times in your location.

Op-Ed: Thank You Shomrim!

A toddler alone. Illustration Photo.

From the inbox: Rabbi Bentzion Elisha writes of the horror of being awakened on a Friday night, and being informed that his 2-year-old son went missing, and was found by a volunteer in Shomrim. At 4:00am.

Audio: Savage Praises the Purity of Chabad Girls

At the Shabbos table of the Langers, Shluchim in San Francisco California, radio talk show host Michael Savage was so impressed with the group of Chabad girls that were at the table with him that he spoke about the experience on his nationally syndicated radio show, praising them as being pure and into proper things.

Rabbis of the Outback Down Under

Two Chabad rabbis, Izzy Rudolph and Berel Fine, understand that sometimes a person has to go far to bring others close. The Rabbis are part of Chabad of RARA, a Melbourne-based organization that sends out tens of pairs of Rabbis every year to the furthest points of Australia, places that don’t have enough Jews to support a full time Rabbi.

Moshiach Campaign Releases New Game for Children

The International Campaign is proud to announce its latest interactive game – Race to Moshiach. The game is Powerpoint-based and is similar to the popular activities that the Moshiach Campaign produced for the High Holidays, Passover, Shavuos, Chanukah and Purim.

Sholom Mordechai Pleads: Help Eliyahu Ezagui

“I feel the pain, but unfortunately I do not have the means to help. Please open your hearts and pockets.”

Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin wrote a letter from prison, pleading with the public to help Eliyahu Ezagui. Mr Ezagui, who allegedly committed mortgage fraud, is under house arrest and faces 15 years in Federal prison.