Shoplifting Duo Caught and Arrested

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — This afternoon, two black women stole some toys from Bargain Center on Kingston Ave. However they didn’t make it so far, Shomrim caught up to them and they were arrested by the police.

The incident happened at around 4:30pm Monday. The two women shoplifted some children’s toys from Bargain Center and fled up Kingston Ave, towards Carroll St.

The store manager and employees chased the shoplifters, who by then turned on to Carroll St and were running toward Albany Ave.

As they were chasing the shoplifters an employee called police, while the store manager gave updates to responding Shomrim volunteers.

The Shomrim volunteers, in coordination with the police, caught and arrested the two women on Albany Ave, between Carroll St and President St.

The two women were taken to the 71st precinct, where a police reports and formal charges will be filled.


  • Saulte to Shomrim!

    Once again SHOMRIM to the rescue. Thank you for keeping CH safe especially in this summer heat.

  • ADP

    You tend to stand out when you run into an area where everyone is wearing black hats and jackets and your not

  • good job!!!!!

    go shomrim!!!!!
    i hope no one ever needs to use ur services… but if we have to its amazing and good to knw tht shomrim is relyable and there for us!!!!

  • Sara

    To laugh at others misfortune eventhough they brought it upoun themselves is not ok. shame on you for laughing at them its not a funny situation at all and to laugh at others while they are being punished or humiliated for wtvr reason makes u no better if not worse than them.

  • Concerned CH

    There is nothing to Laugh, this is very sad that a mother has to steal toys for a child. We have a General social issue here.

  • to #10

    Yes, someone who makes a mistake and is sorry should have their feelings taken into consideration. But brazen thieves who steal left, right, and center because they believe that Jewish life (G-d forbid) and property is one big free for all SHOULD be made to feel shame. Assuming they have any.

  • Comments on comments

    People don’t know how to comment on these websites!!! I tell you!! Some people think it’s funny others think it’s sad others ae screaming/typing GO —- (blank) others congratulating shomrim etc… I don’t even get this!! How is it funny?? Is it cute to spot out people?? Did you ever think those people get embarrassed??? This has got to stop !!!

  • MushkyP

    How degrading for them.

    1st the toothpaste fiasco and now toys?

    Is it me or have these people reached an all time low?

  • Mennzz

    It’s so weird how this world is full of criminals. Like, don’t they fear Hashem?

    They have to understand that, if they owned a store, and someone came in and robbed it, (While they were trying to make a living) how would they feel?

    Nothing is free in this world. Either, you earn it, or you don’t get it. (Like you don’t stay in a hotel without paying).

  • caring person

    It’s very sad that these people had to steal, because it can mean that they can’t afford it… let’s all be more caring

  • nos

    even with that sale they cant pay/ or is this just another case of kleptomania

  • To #13

    you should be ashamed of yourself for writing such a comment! Those people were not big men who had guns on them that stole from a bank. They were two women who needed toys for thier children ok? How can you laugh at something like that? They are still people and whether or not you like them or have anything to do with them, it is wrong to laugh! Also, it is horrible that these pictures were posted, it is humiliating and wrong!Ever heard of privacy?

  • ceo

    agree with #11. They probably get foodstamps and other govt servces and may not even have a job, but they are stealing toys.
    thats not a great combination, very unhealthy life is what it shows.
    Thanks to Shomrim for sure.

  • TO #20

    It is people like you that feel bad for the poor terrorists in Israel, you need to know when to feel bad. We all work very hard to put food on our table and some of us don’t even have money for toys but steeling is wrong and if it is done there should be no pity for the thief’s.

  • cher

    to #20.while i do happen to agree with you that shoplifting toys is not the same thing as robbing a bank at gunpoint i still hold that somebody that likes to shoplift should also be put to shame even though it,s not at the same level as robbing a fact i have a better idea for you.go over to dovi chaimson(the owner of the bargain center)tell him that the 2 ladies that shoplifted toys from him did not commit a crime & let me know what he has to say.i am sorry but if you are going to defend these 2 ladies that shoplifted toys from the bargain center that they did not commit a crime then i guess i will have to stand up for my good friend dovi chaimson who is working so hard to make an honest living & then have people like you standing up for somebody that shoplifts from him i am sorry but i am going to have to show you what i think of your comment.have an easy fast.

  • Do not be happy about this.

    to 24,

    No one is defending these shoplifters, however this article is making it sound like Shomrim caught Ted Bondi!!!

    Yes it is wrong to shop lift toys and anyone in the United states who needs to shop lift Toys or food then this country has a big problem!!!

  • to #20

    You mean well but are misguided in your opinions. You think that the stealing is done because desperately poor people who are only thinking of the well-being of their children are driven against their will to steal. Your thinking is based on a lack of understanding of the complex situation of the Jews in Crown Heights: The problem is that most of the stealing here is done because anything owned by a jew is considered public property. Therefore they come into the Jewish part of Crown Heights in order to steal from a Jewish store. Often, it is considered a game to steal from a Jew. The only way to reduce these crimes is to publicize them widely.

  • To 26

    How do you know they NEEDED to shoplift toys? And you seem to be equating toys with food.

  • Food, clothing, shelter and toys?

    If they stole food or clothing they might get more sympathy. Stealing toys? They don’t deserve sympathy for that. If they really are a ashamed, good! maybe that would prevent them from doing it again.

  • to 20

    How dare you defend these people? I think we need posters of these two women hanging on Kingston so others can beware! Stealing toys? Please! If it was bread I might be sympathetic. Toys are a luxury. Many of our own families here can’t afford toys and therefore they don’t have toys. They certainly don’t steal them! If you were a mentch you would go offer the owner of Bargain Center reimbursement for what was taken, because you so staunchly defend what they did!

  • anonim.

    They should sit a por shvartz yorelach in prison, but they won’t even do a nechtiger tog.

    These shoplifted toys are not for kids. They end up resold on the streets of the darker part of Brooklyn for enough to get a hit.

    Indeed they and the Arab terrorists are just two faces of the same attitude of jealousy and feeling Jews are soft targets.