Young Readers, Jewish Day Schools Gear Up for Kehot’s 2007 Book-A-Thon

N. Margolis –

BROOKLYN, NY — The 21 days from November 4-25 promise to be quiet ones for Jewish children around the world who have signed up for the Kehot Book-A-Thon. With TV set turned off, thousands of children enrolled from over 250 schools and library may find that reading is an experience that can rival even the excitement of the PlayStation.

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Cosmetics Magnate Inaugurates Vienna’s Only Jewish University

Shmulik Laster

Businessman Ronald S. Lauder gets help holding a Torah scroll he donated from Rabbi Jacob Biderman, chairman of Chabad-Lubavitch headquarters in Austria.

VIENNA, Austria — A host of Austrian politicians joined international businessman and philanthropist Ronald S. Lauder last Wednesday to inaugurate Vienna’s only Jewish university. The fete in honor of the Lauder Business School coincided with a series of other events in the country’s capital celebrating the 20th anniversary of Lauder’s foundation, whose first project was the Lauder Chabad elementary and high schools in the city.

Hundreds of College Students Leave Unity Weekend Inspired, Enlightened

Reuvena Leah Weiss –

BROOKLYN, NY — More than 700 students from 101 college campuses spanning five countries made a weekend home in the Chasidic neighborhood of Crown Heights in Brooklyn, N.Y., for the sixth annual International Student Shabbaton & Conference. By all accounts, the venture, a project of the Chabad on Campus International Foundation, closed as a rising success in energizing students’ Jewish involvement and showing them the human face of an observant Jewish community.

Ceremony Unites Jewish Community in Western Ukraine

ROVNO, Ukraine –- a unique event has occurred in the life of the Jewish community in a provincial town of Ukraine – Rovno. This week, the local community was happy to celebrate an Opshernish ceremony to mark the first haircut for the son of Chief Rabbi of Rovno Shneur Zalman Schneerson, who is also serving in the region as a Chabad Lubavitch emissary.

Located within the borders of Poland until World War Two, as many as 30,000 Jews were estimated to have lived in Rovno. Their existence practically ceased with the annihilation that proceeded under occupying Nazi troops.

Two Bikes Stolen in Two Days on Eastern Pkwy

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Yesterday, Monday, a 12 year old boy on his way to school had his bike stolen by a Black male, today the same incident unfolded once again when a Bochur had his bike stolen.

Both incidents took place on the 77th precincts side of Eastern Parkway, one between Kingston and Brooklyn Avenues at 9:00am yesterday, while the other took place between Albany and Troy in front of Lubavitcher Yeshiva – Chovevei Torah at 9:30 today.

More in the Extended Article.

Picture of the Day! – The Rebbe leaving a Children’s Rally

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The Rebbe leaving a Children’s Rally on Chol Hamoed Sukkos 1957. Special Thanks Rabbi Mordechai Kirschenbaum.

To see pictures from previous weeks Click Here!

YG London, England Goes the Extra Hour

LONDON, England [CHI] — Europe changed the clock one hour back this Sunday morning.

On shabbos parshas Vayera the Mashpia of yeshiva Rabbi Mendel Gordon farbrenged about the importance of using out the time for learning.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Chabad of SCV and Canyon Country Giving A Hand!

Rabbi Chanoch Parshan Chabad of Canyon Country talking to Evacuees at the Golden Valley High School one of a number of locations where residence of Canyon Country where Evacuated too during the “Buckwheat fire”.

Rabbi Choni Marzov And Rabbi Chanoch Parshan Rabbi’s of Chabad of SCV and Chabad of Canyon Country spending their time visiting the numerous evacuation sites handing out toothbrushes and bottles of water among other things to residences who had to evacuate their homes due to the fires that were burning around the Santa Clarita Valley area, as well as being in contact with many people making sure they had where to stay and their families where okay and going to homes to help people pack up their belongings in the areas that had to be evacuated.

Anybody who is need of assistance in the Santa Clarita Valley Should please call Rabbi Marzov: 661-254-3434 or Rabbi Parshan: 661-974-2302

Vaad HaKahal Election Anticipated

by Yitzchok Wagshul – The Crown Heights Chronicle

As required under the bylaws of the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council, the terms of that organization’s board of directors—who also comprise the Vaad HaKahal—expire three years from their election, or January 30, 2008. Accordingly, the Netzigim must shortly begin preparing for a new election.

Crown Heights has, unfortunately, seen controversy in virtually every aspect of its political structure under the present administration, leading many to doubt whether a new election can take place. Among the potential obstacles are divisions within the Beis Din, which would rule on any disputes or halachic questions; the Vaad HaKahal; and the Netzigim themselves, who are charged by the bylaws with the task of conducting elections. However, Netzigim leaders insist that the scheduled election will take place as required.

Jewish Mysticism Now Served with Chopsticks

The Ticker
Media Credit: Vladimir Yelizarov
Students participate in “Study with Sushi” with Rabbi Levi Stolik, far right.

NEW YORK, NY — Jewish life at Baruch College is flourishing. There are many ways the students can get in touch with their Jewish roots. Recently, a new learning initiative called the Baruch College Torah Center, created by the Chabad Club, has had success in motivating to learn topics relating to Judaism.

Veterans’ Event Unites Jewish Generations in Dnepropetrovsk

DNEPROPETROVSK, Ukraine –- This week, the city of Dnepropetrovsk played host to an inter-generational meeting that brought together Jewish war veterans with youth. The event took place at the ‘Levi Yitzhak Schneerson’ Day School and was organized by the students themselves, under the guidance of their teachers.

‘Snack for the Soul’

Abington Journal

Rabbi Benny Rapoport, Director of Chabad’s Jewish Discovery Center, in Clarks Summit, sits at his laptop prepared to view the latest ChabadCast on YouTube.

CLARKS SUMMIT, PA — Chabad’s Jewish Discovery Center posts weekly Torah readings online on YouTube

Since you can buy a car or meet up with old friends across the world online, it was only a matter of time before you could be able to experience your weekly ‘Soul Snack’ on the Internet as well.