CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Yesterday, Monday, a 12 year old boy on his way to school had his bike stolen by a Black male, today the same incident unfolded once again when a Bochur had his bike stolen.

Both incidents took place on the 77th precincts side of Eastern Parkway, one between Kingston and Brooklyn Avenues at 9:00am yesterday, while the other took place between Albany and Troy in front of Lubavitcher Yeshiva – Chovevei Torah at 9:30 today.

More in the Extended Article.

Two Bikes Stolen in Two Days on Eastern Pkwy

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Yesterday, Monday, a 12 year old boy on his way to school had his bike stolen by a Black male, today the same incident unfolded once again when a Bochur had his bike stolen.

Both incidents took place on the 77th precincts side of Eastern Parkway, one between Kingston and Brooklyn Avenues at 9:00am yesterday, while the other took place between Albany and Troy in front of Lubavitcher Yeshiva – Chovevei Torah at 9:30 today.

More in the Extended Article.

In the first incident police were called and responded within moments, with word that the perp, described as a Black male in his teens, was nearly apprehended. While in the second incident the perp approached the Bochur who got so terrified he didn’t call for help from a group of Bochurim nearby, police and Shomrim were called but did not apprehend the perp.

In case of an emergency never hesitate to call 911 and Shomrim at (718) 774-3333 24/7


  • Kan Tzeevoy Hashem

    Has Crown Heights Turned into a Crime’fest’? Everyday … more and more Theft, assaults etc.


    In the second case, 911 dispatched cops from the 71 who arrived at the scene and said this is not our precinct and left. Later the 77 showed up.

  • Thankfull

    Actually Crown Heights did not turn into a ‘crime’fest’. Its been pretty bad for a while, and now thanks to we are just updated and informed about it.

    Thank you CHI for keep us properly informed. With knowledge comes power, the power for one to know that the danger lurks out there and that we need to be vigilant and take care to protect ourselves.

  • abc123

    please warn your reader to be carefull at night especially b4 hooloween, for on Sunday I was hit with eggs by President st. and Scentctady Ave!!