Major New Chabad House to Open in Berlin

European Jewish Press
Rabbi Yehuda Teichtal of the Chabad Lubavitch organization speaks about the architecture of the synagogue in the new Jewish community center Szloma-Albam-House in Berlin on Monday, Aug. 27, 2007. Photo – AP

BERLIN, Germany — The first privately funded Jewish community and educational centre in Germany since the Holocaust will open this week in Berlin as a symbol of the rebirth of Jewish life in the country.

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Picture of the Day – Oholei Torahs New Busses

Let me share with you an interesting story as told by Rabbi Moshe Lazar from Italy at a recent Oholei Torah Dinner

Once while the Rebbe was walking on Eastern Parkway to 770, he noticed a group of boys fussing over a school bus, The Rebbe asked what’s the fuss over, to which the children answered “Oholei Torah just bought a “new” used bus. The Rebbe replied, “An old bus??!! Oholei Torah should have purchased a brand new bus.”

More pictures in the Extended Article!


By Angela Montefinise – New York Post

A Broken Sidwalk. Illustration Photo.

NEW YORK, NY — Sidewalk trip-and-fall cases aren’t all they were once cracked up to be.

The number of claims filed against the city has been dropping dramatically over the past years, a phenomena alternately credited on good law – and good luck.

In fiscal year 2007 there were 2,536 claims filed against the city for personal injuries related to broken sidewalks – the lowest number in a decade, according to preliminary numbers from the city Comptroller’s Office.

Police apprehend Mugger

Police at the scene of an incident – illustartion photo.

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Sunday at around 7:30 PM, a 17 year old Bochur who was talking on the phone, walking on Eastern Pkwy from Albany towards Kingston Ave, was accosted by a Black male, who demanded his cell phone.

More in the Extended Article

School District Leases Out Space At 2 Closed Campuses

The Camarillo Acorn
Michael Schoppe, a Pleasant Valley School District maintenance worker, removes a message from the Los Primeros Structured School marquee. The campus is now being leased.

CAMARILLO, CA — The Pleasant Valley school board voted last week to lease shuttered campus space to two educational programs.

Florida Chabad House Opens a School for Children With Special Needs

Norm Oshrin –
A happy student during the first week of instruction at the South Florida Jewish Academy

COCONUT CREEK, FL — For Nancy Popick, Monday, Aug. 20, “was the most unstressful first day we ever had.”

It was the day Jason, her seven-year-old son with special needs, began studying at the new South Florida Jewish Academy.

The Ivy League Torah Study Experience

“Amazing, rejuvenating, intellectually stimulating, challenging, refreshingly honest…” That’s how a group of female college students described the five inspirational weeks they spent getting in touch with their spiritual roots and owning up to a heritage that is inherently theirs. At the Ivy League Torah Study Experience (ILTSE), a division of National Committee for Furtherance of Jewish Education (NCFJE), effectively coordinated by Mrs. Baila Hecht and ably assisted by Mrs. Cipi Junik, to meet the students’ individual needs, young women spanning the globe came together in a quest for learning about their Jewish identity.

Jeep Crashes Into Chabad House

Katie Mulvaney – The Providence Journal
A Jeep Cherokee remains wedged under the Chabad House, on Hope Street in Providence, yesterday. Photo – Gretchen Ertl

PROVIDENCE, RI — A police officer pulled a woman and her baby from a burning Jeep Cherokee early yesterday, moments after the vehicle crashed into a synagogue on Hope Street and burst into flames, the police said.

For Those Who Can’t Go to Yeshiva, Students Bring it to Them

Dovid Zaklikowski –
Martin Glazer, a lawyer, and Yisroel Wolf study Talmud at the Lubavitch Centre of Winnipeg, Canada.

WINNIPEG, Canada — This summer, a handful of Chabad-Lubavitch yeshiva students dedicated a good portion of their vacation to helping others learn the intricate beauty of Judaism, its texts and philosophy. In two locations ñ Winnipeg, Canada, and Toledo, Ohio ñ the bochurim brought their yeshiva, so to speak, directly to the communities there.