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The Weekly Comic! – Haftora Parshas Bahaloscha!

<%popup(20080612-HaftoraComic-Bahaloscha-Lrg.jpg|800|660|Click Here to Enlarge this Comic!)%>

Click here for the Weekly Parsha Comic from last year

Click Here for the English Text of the Haftorah

A year of Parasha Comics have gone by, so what now? In continued partnership between and comic Levi Welton we bring you the next year of Parasha Comics, but their inspiration will be drawn from the Haftorah rather than the Parasha.

Included will be a link back to the Parasha Comic of the year before along with a link to where you can learn the entire Haftorah of that week!

We would like readers to submit to us feedback using the comments system, letting us know what you think of this new idea and how we implement it. This is a pilot idea, and if the response is positive and strong enough we can look forward to seeing one each week! So please take a minute and share your thoughts with us.