<%popup(20080620-Haftorah-Comic-Shelach-Lrg.jpg|800|656|Click Here to Enlarge the Comic!)%>
Click here for the Weekly Parsha Comic from last year
Click Here for the English Text of the Haftorah
The Weekly Comic! – Haftora Parshas Shelach!
<%popup(20080620-Haftorah-Comic-Shelach-Lrg.jpg|800|656|Click Here to Enlarge the Comic!)%>
dave the wave
shades of rainbow ;)
“I.R.S.” – ha! (Except that usually people try to hide from the IRS, not that they help people hide as Rachav did.)
berkeley gal
just love the expressions on the soldier’s faces ;)
but where’s DUCKIE???
me again #2
But it is really supposed to be only 2 people
(As it Sais in Joshua Chapter 2 verse 1:
‘And Joshua the son of Nun sent “”two”” men out of Shittim to spy secretly, saying, Go see the land and Jericho. And they went, and came to the house of an innkeeper named Rahab, and they lay there.’)
I never see such a yellow beard like this before. :)
hey throwing a sworg backwords is dangerous!
berkeley gal
to “me again” – the miraglim were the ones who told rachav to put the red string on her wall to warn the jewish army to spare her.