<%popup(20080605-Shavuos-Comic-Lrg.jpg|800|654|Click Here to enlarge the Comic!)%>

The Weekly Comic! – Shavuos!

<%popup(20080605-Shavuos-Comic-Lrg.jpg|800|654|Click Here to enlarge the Comic!)%>


  • ch

    haha funny/….it should have been fighting cheesecake!! yummmm cant wait for shavuos

  • New year, new protagonist....

    no duckie?? well i guess now that the 1st year went by, ur making a new protagonist of the comics, im gonna miss duckie. :(

  • Zvi from Montreal

    Man that ice cream must be sweating BUCKETS…

    Very very cute.

    I love this about crownheights.info it keeps me coming back. Keep up the good work, this is a TERRIFIC way to end my week.

  • Zalman

    As sh said, this graphic is very disturbing. It’s beyond appalling that the CH.info editors and readers find this amusing.

    The Rebbe was careful to depict specifically the right hand giving Tzedakah, and we’re putting boxing gloves on a Torah?! What happened to our standards?

  • berkeley gal

    who says i have to choose? i’m gonna have my ice cream and my Torah too!
    happy shavous!
    (and i hope “new year…” is wrong. bring it on Duckie!!!!!!!!!!!)

  • Kop Doktar

    “Her ways are pleasant and her paths are peaceful”, militating aggression. Yet at times we must do battle with our base desires. Especially, the Amalek, “asher korcha”, coldness must be attacked, not just in attitude and thought, but with words aand even hands on action.

    And that my friends is what the lesson of this “comic” is all about!

  • Dave the Wave

    sh,Zalman,& Whaaaat really need to take a chill pill. Dooood it’s only a comic. You know what, sometimes the Torah does need to fight for it’s rights.

  • JZ

    LOL! This is the best thig EVER! I love it! HUGE HUGE Fan! I print them out every week and hang it in my cubicle. Keep it up!

  • berkeley gal

    who says i have to choose? i’m planning on having my ice cream and my Torah too!

    p.s. i really hope “new year…” is wrong! looking forward to seeing Duckie next week…

  • me

    funny in concept and of course there is no harm intended but maybe this didnt come out as well as imagined. it can be found offensive. keep up the good work though. i can imagine its hard to make a comic “funny” while being meaningful and careful as well. i still enjoy them!

  • Kop Doktor

    The peaceful ways of the Torah sometimes demand of us to become aggressive against the influences of our base desires for pleasures. The Torah put on its boxing gloves to duke it out with the ice cream of our materialistic world, taking a hands on approach to conquer it.

  • Simple Jew

    Hey Kop – do ya hafta look into the “deeper meaning” of everything? Why not just enjoy the comic, without ruining it by turning it into a mamaar??

  • Kop Doktar

    Dear Simple Jew – I am a Kop Doktar. As such I analyse. On the other hand, you my friend, consider yourself a simple Jew. But tell me, at what age did you start feeling simple? Maybe we should explore where such feelings come from? Would you like to book a session on the couch?

  • mashpia

    i love it!! and comic critics-if u don’t think this is appropriate, then spend your time doing something else! its that simple! why should we fans have to read these annoying comments every week?