Here’s My Story: Humility

In 1977, when I graduated from the New York College of Podiatric Medicine, after doing a residency at Maimonides Hospital, I opened an office in Crown Heights. Part of the reason I chose Crown Heights was that, although not being Chabad Lubavitch myself, I had a very nice feeling toward the Chabad community.

by Dr. Elliot Udell
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Here’s My Story: The Vanishing Loan

When I was thirteen years of age, I was doubly orphaned. My mother had passed away when I was a child, and then, when I was almost fourteen years old, I lost my father as well. I had to move into yeshiva full-time, as I had no other place to go.

by Rabbi Yitzchok Sufrin

Jews in Sports: Most Important Lesson Learned

As fate would have it, the two Jewish players who played in this strike-shortened National Hockey League season (Eric Nystrom spent his hockey year in Norway’s GETligan before getting injured after appearing in just six games) both had a fair crack at making the playoffs.

by Yossi Goldstein

Jews in Sports: Israeli Lacrosse – A New Hope

Israel’s National Lacrosse team has a full plate to chew on over the summer months. After posting a solid effort in its first-ever international win – a 13-9 victory over Turkey in Istanbul last June – the Blue-and-White are gearing towards their first open tryout from August 14-18 on their home turf.

by Yossi Goldstein

Here’s My Story: A Jew from Maryland

I didn’t consider myself a Lubavitcher, but I lived in Crown Heights for a short time after I got married. I would attend the Rebbe’s farbrengens from time to time, but my relationship was always from a distance.

by Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

Here’s My Story: Personal Attention

When my friend Rabbi Daniel Moskowitz, now the Chabad emissary in Illinois, and I were young students in yeshiva, we volunteered for Merkos Shlichus – the Chabad Jewish outreach program by rabbinical students. In the summer of 1976, we were presented with an opportunity to go on a short trip to Sweden. We prepared everything that was needed, and we went to Sweden for about ten days or two weeks. We visited a few small towns, but mainly we stayed in the capital, Stockholm. We gave classes in the local synagogues and we distributed mezuzahs and tefillin.

by Rabbi Dovid Weitman

Here’s My Story: Seeing is Believing

The accident happened in the early morning of Tisha B’Av, 1982. As I opened my closet door to get ready to go to synagogue, I noticed an old stepladder and a carpet sweeper stashed there temporarily. We were in the midst of construction, and the plumber was running new pipes through my closet up to the attic.

by Dr. Leonard Lovitch

Here’s My Story: Speechless

I don’t remember how old I was, maybe thirteen years old, when I caught a very bad case of bronchitis. There was a danger of pneumonia and my parents and grandparents were terrified. I guess in Europe, if someone coughed, it meant tuberculosis or worse, and they were beside themselves.

by Mrs. Rivkah Tillim