Shabbos at the Besht: Preparing for Pesach
This Shabbos at the Besht: Rabbi Hillel Heller is the Rosh Yeshiva of Westchester Yeshiva as well as a noted Magid Shiur. He will be speaking on the topic of Preparing for Pesach.
This Shabbos at the Besht: Rabbi Hillel Heller is the Rosh Yeshiva of Westchester Yeshiva as well as a noted Magid Shiur. He will be speaking on the topic of Preparing for Pesach.
Ever since the Rebbe instituted mivtzoim, (Jewish outreach), chassidim have gone out on Purim, spreading joy and Jewish pride. To army bases and hospitals, orphanages and street corners, everyone is encouraged to get involved and fulfill the mitzvos of the day. The Living Archive has collected fascinating pictures of Purim mivtzoim through the years. Here are a few pictures from that collection.
JEMCentral is pleased to present you with a special Purim gift, a resource page with incredible Purim content from all our platforms and departments. Enjoy and Happy Purim!
The winners of the Hadar Hatorah 2oth Annual Purim Raffle has been announced. We extend a hearty congratulations to the winners.
JLI has released a video as part of its inspiration weekly series. This video tells how the Purim story reveals the secret to Jewish survival.
On Sunday March 10th, Chabad of Coral Springs hosted the Avos U’banim Finale, with learning, video/slideshow, pizza, and fire juggler performance. The Avos U’banim events in Coral Springs have has had a surge of attendance, with now over 55 sons and fathers attending.
Chevra Anshei Lubawitz Synagogue in Boro Park, one of the oldest shuls in Brooklyn, will soon be going up for a vote on Landmark status, which would permanently stop a plan to demolish it. The plan has been on hold as control of the property is being litigated in court.
Former President Bill Clinton met Rabbi Kalman Weinfeld from the OK at an event last night. When President Clinton heard that Rabbi Weinfeld was the one who arranged the proper Mechiras Chometz last year for one of the largest beer distributors in the country, he came over and thanked him for his great contribution to the USA and the Jewish nation.
Another brazen Crown Heights porch thief was caught on camera stealing a package from a Crown Heights residence Tuesday afternoon. The thief was obviously undeterred despite pedestrians, street traffic, and obvious surveillance cameras.
Alternate side parking (street cleaning) regulations are suspended on Thursday, March 21st, 2019 for Purim. All other regulations, including parking meters, remain in effect.
Rabbi Lesches of Melbourne Australia has sent out reminders of Halachos and customs pertaining to Purim, which falls out tonight, Wednesday March 20th at sundown.
People walking on Sterling St Wednesday morning, were treated to a pleasant and unexpected experience. A piano that had been put on the curb was found by a talented passerby, who decided to give the piano a beautiful farewell.
Megillah Reading Times For Men, Woman and Children at Cong. Agudath Yisroel 456 Crown St. (Between Kingston & Brooklyn Ave.)
As you prepare to give Matanos L’Evyonim this Purim please consider giving to the Tzedaka which distributes to the poor in the highest possible way through Chevra Simchas Shabbos V’yom Tov.
Just in time for Purim, the 64th volume of Toras Menachem has arrived in stores. The new book, published by Vaad Hanochos B’Lahak contains the Rebbe’s Sichos and Maamarim from Shabbos Parshas Tzav – this week’s parsha – through Yud Beis Tammuz 5731 (1971), and is being snatched from shelves to serve as the best Chassidisher Mishloach Manos of the season.
As the Muslim community in Christchurch, New Zealand, grappled with the mass terror shooting in two mosques that claimed 50 lives and left dozens more injured on Friday, they received comfort from the Chabad representative to the country.