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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 68% Mini Electric Screwdriver, 55-in-1 Magnetic Bits

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Mini Electric Screwdriver, 55-in-1 Magnetic Bits

Precision Electric Screwdriver, 3 Torque Settings

Cordless Screwdriver Set, 650mAh Battery

LED Light, Repair Tool

DEAL PRICE: $41.99 (68% OFF)


Grab The Deal Through Amazon: Click Here

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Street Photographer Captures Holocaust Survivor’s Determination to Daven with a Minyan

Just days after the record snowfall that slammed the East Coast, social media has been buzzing with pictures showing massive snowdrifts, colossal snowmen and even neighbors pitching in to dig each other’s cars out of the snow, but perhaps none is as heartwarming as a photograph taken in Borough Park, showing a group of men carrying an elderly Holocaust survivor in a wheelchair home from shul.

Young Shluchos First to Receive Stunning Gifts

The nearly 7,000 members of Chayolei Tzivos Hashem are on track to receive their annual membership trophy over the next few months. A beautiful wooden pushka bearing the words “laHashem ha’aretz u’mloah” and the child’s name on stunning golden plaques on either side, this pushka was crafted towards enabling Chayolei Tzivos Hashem members to fulfill the Rebbe’s hora’ah encouraging children to have a personal pushka attached to the wall of their Cheder Tzivos Hashem.

Food-Packing Program Helps the Hungry Amid Blizzard

As predictions of the mammoth snowstorm that dumped more than two feet of snow on New York City over the weekend gusted through the news earlier in the week, Sandra Justin brought her three children—Ethan, 9; Zoe, 12; and Talia, 14—to help pack boxes kosher food staples for those in need.