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Picture of the Day: Officer Dons Tefilin

With the assistance of Shomrim, an officer from the NYPD’s Brooklyn South Division visited several Crown Heights Jewish day camps to encourage their attendance at the annual NYPD vs. Hatzalah baseball game, which will take place on August 3rd at the Cyclones stadium in Coney Island. Upon discovering that the officer is Jewish, Rabbi Zalman Karp of Lubavitcher Yeshiva Day Camp immediately did what any Chabad Chosid would do, he helped the man put on Tefilin right there in the office.

Photos: A Day in Yeshivas Kayitz-Kingston

In early spring, Oholei Torah purchased camp grounds spanning 120 acres, located in the upstate town of Kingston, NY, for the sake of founding a Yeshivas Kayitz for 8th Graders and Mesivta Bochurim who are looking to spend their summer in a chassidish learning environment together with a positive and productive summer experience.