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Eber’s Tishrei Liquor and Wine Sale

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Culinarians to Battle in Kosher ‘Iron-Chef’ Competition

The Center for Kosher Culinary Arts — the world’s only professional Kosher Culinary Arts school, will be co-producing for the third straight year the Kosher “Iron-Chef” culinary competition. Three top chefs will have thirty minutes to cook one entrée from scratch using only a basket of mystery ingredients and a limited pantry of basic staples. The winner will take home a cash prize of $1000.

SafetyKid Coming Back to Crown Heights

Last year the Crown Heights Parents Safety Alliance, a project of the Merkos Chinuch Office, initiated a very successful child-safety program for K-3rd grade in all the Mosdos in Crown Heights, empowering children and teaching them what’s appropriate touch and what’s not and how to respond when situations come up.