SafetyKid Coming Back to Crown Heights

Last year the Crown Heights Parents Safety Alliance, a project of the Merkos Chinuch Office, initiated a very successful child-safety program for K-3rd grade in all the Mosdos in Crown Heights, empowering children and teaching them what’s appropriate touch and what’s not and how to respond when situations come up.

Monday evening, 24 Cheshvan, October 28th a new Parent Safety workshop will be held at Beis Rivkah, 470 Lefferts Ave. at 8:30 in the evening. Once again Mrs. Debbi Fox will address the parents.

According to Mrs. Brochie Kogan, who chairs the Parents safety Alliance, More than 2,000 parents attended the initial informational sessions, 500 yeshiva rebbes and teacher were received informational training and 50 parent volunteers were trained to speak to children and bring the Safety Kid program to the classrooms. 5,000 children in Crown Heights from kindergarten through 3rd grade received instruction.

This year it is expected that all children, through the fourth grade, in all Crown Heights mosdos, will have their knowledge and empowerment reinforced and become “Safety Kids.”

Opening Event flyer 5774 (1)-page-001


  • Resident

    and who always says that CH is not doing anything to stop abuse?

    this is more effective then putting a name of a 60 year old guy who did something 40 years ago as a teen and ruin his and his entire family

    Focus on the prevention and leave the law to the professionals

    • Not Again

      Each organization has their place. Some focus on training youth. Some create awareness. Some even treat predators. And some bring justice to vicitms that suffered in silence for years. They each have different goals, but I guess you wouldnt understand that.

    • To 1

      Who said ch was not doing anything?

      If jcw did not exist this program would never have come.

      I love how the community is all of a sudden taking credit…. Tell the kid thank you and get out of your shell.

      You would not be even thinking child sexual abuse exist if it was not for him.

  • To Number 3

    This program started before that website. There is no connection between the two, but good try.

  • Shmuly H


    I hope the approach is truly based on Torah ideals and not just attaching pesukim to goyishe ideas.

  • To 5

    It started but was never brought to crown heights… U til a year after the site was there, and I guess you will tell me the same thing with the camp training…

    Not a great try was a awesome try. You people in crown heights make believe you are the for front of abuse and prevention. Yet it is this little punk that made you and everyone else know how bad sexual abuse was.

    If people did not know how bad it is, there would not be such a good turnout…

    Waiting for you smart reply mommy…..