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Agriprocessors Manager to Be Extradited to US

Arutz 7

Immigration raid at Agriprocessors in 2008. Inset: Hossam Amara.

The Jerusalem District Court has approved the extradition to the United States of Hosam Amara, to face federal charges in connection with irregularities associated with the Agriprocessors kosher meat packing plant in Postville, Iowa, which went bankrupt after a 2008 raid by immigration authorities, in which nearly 400 illegal immigrants were rounded up.

Op-Ed: Chanukah at a Hockey Rink

by Eli Federman – Jerusalem Post

Illustration Photo

The Coyotes vs Panthers hockey game last Tuesday was no ordinary game. Chabad of Florida performed a menorah-lighting ceremony on the ice during the first period intermission. The event looked nothing short of a huge Hanukka party. But the event itself was really quite ironic. How odd, I thought, to celebrate Hanukka in a sports arena, given that the concept of sports is emblematic of Greek culture.

Las Vegas Mayor Lights Menorah with Young Shliach

On the 3rd day of Chanukah, Chabad of Southern Nevada led a Chanukah celebration with the recently elected Mayor of Las Vegas, Carolyn Goodman. It continued a tradition that began with her husband, former Mayor of Las Vegas, Oscar Goodman. During the celebration, the Mayor was presented with a Menorah as a Menorah of Freedom Award.

8th Day Band Rocks Ottawa

by Elianna Saidenberg

On Wednesday, December 21, the second night of Chanukah, the 8th Day Band rocked Ottawa!! It would not be a total understatement to say that they brought the house down. Everyone, and I mean everyone, from the Bubbies to the Babies who were there clapping, singing and even dancing in their seats.

Menorah Lighting in Heart of Nassau County

Chabad lights the public menorah in Eisenhower Park on the 930-acre oasis of open space and recreation in the heart of Nassau County. Eisenhower Park is one of the largest public spaces in the New York metropolitan area – larger, in fact, than Central Park!

Sydney Lit Up by Chanukah Menorah Parade

After weeks of hard work by Chabad Youth NSW and the Rabbinical students of the Yeshiva Centre – Chabad NSW HQ, Car Menorahs and Chanukah Flags were set on top of cars and vans in order to parade through the streets of Sydney and remind people of the great miracles of Chanukah.

Occupy Copenhagen Damages Public Menorah

In celebration of Chanukah, over 600 people joined Chabad of Copenhagen’s Chanukah in town, a 2-part festivity: the public outdoor menorah lighting, followed by an indoor party in the elegant Lumbaya hall in the world famous Tivoli gardens in Denmark’ capital.