Agriprocessors Manager to Be Extradited to US

Arutz 7

Immigration raid at Agriprocessors in 2008. Inset: Hossam Amara.

The Jerusalem District Court has approved the extradition to the United States of Hosam Amara, to face federal charges in connection with irregularities associated with the Agriprocessors kosher meat packing plant in Postville, Iowa, which went bankrupt after a 2008 raid by immigration authorities, in which nearly 400 illegal immigrants were rounded up.

The 46-year-old Amara, the plant’s poultry production manager, faces charges of harboring illegal immigrants, conspiracy to commit fraud and aiding and abetting fraud, among others. He was arrested by Israeli immigration authorities on March 31, on an extradition request from the U.S.


  • Pidyon Shevuyim

    Hosam Amara Pidyon Shevuyim fund

    Hosam is a father and husband who was arrested in Israel and is being extradited at the request of the United States government.

    If convicted, he faces up to 15 years in prison.

  • hillel cohen

    I remember him! he hated the bachurim in yishevah! he once called security on me and got me kicked out of the plant!

  • Milhouse

    #1, What are you talking about? How is this pidyon shvuyim? Er iz doch nit in klal fun ochicho.

  • Maybe not anti-semtism?

    If he is not Jewish, then can we allege anti-semitism
    in the Rubashkin case?

  • Nechemia

    Why on earth did Rubashkin ever make him a general manager of meats? I don’t think the guy is Jewish, probably an Arab, whatever. But I also as a bochur touring there, remember him as a sort of “gestapo” gevuredik gayvedick sort of big shot. The upshot is Rubashkin should be freed, we’re talking of the guy who paid back all his bills and was honest 100%. My Lord, please free Rubashkin right away.

  • to comment #3

    to comment #3 stop hiding behind a suffering fellow yids name to post your own comment!That’s pathetic!shame on you…

  • Milhouse

    #7, What difference does it make whether antisemitism was involved? Why the obsession with antisemitism, as if it were a crime, or as if it changed anything? Of course there is antisemitism everywhere: halocho hi beyodua she’eisov sonei leyaakov. And when Sholom was denied bail because he might run away to Israel that was certainly antisemitic. But did you think that was why we support him?! We support him because he deserves it, not because of the motivations of the resho’im who put him away.

  • fellow postiville resident.

    wow, i knew him! I used to be really good friends with his son. this is so crazy! i did not even know all this happened. i remember the whole immigration thing but i didnt know he was arrested. this is so bizarre!! my step dad worked for him.