Ten Minute Torah Video Class! – Parshas Pinchas!

We are pleased to present our sixth online class in the “Torah in Ten” series, presented by the editor-in-chief of Kol Menachem, Rabbi Chaim Miller. To receive this class weekly to your inbox Click Here.

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Annual Chabad on Campus Conference

$24,200,000. That’s last year’s budget for the Chabad on Campus network, which is spread over 142 campuses around the world. Another small number reveals that throughout the year, 6900 students regularly attend Shabbat dinners at a campus chabad house.

Black Teens Caught After Snatching Purse

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — Two black teens snatched a purse from two young Jewish women last night, but were caught thanks to alert residents. The incident began after midnight, when the girls were walking on Montgomery St, between Kingston and Brooklyn Ave.

Op-Ed: A Fire Burns in Crown Heights

By Mottel
Photo Courtesy Basil

An Essay on Religion, Modernity and Pizza

We live in a dual culture – pulled by the Jewish, Chassidic, and uniquely Lubavitcher traditions that bind us, we also seek on some level to integrate into the society around us. Our use of innovations in technology, our homes, and even our clothes, are all the result of the modern world’s influence on our lives. [Note to those that take issue with the belief that any modernity has seeped into our Lubavitcher meta-culture: Our mode of dress – be it the short jacket, the choice of a more modern fedora over the more traditional Russian kasket, or even the relatively modern design of the Kapote (based on the Victorian Prince Albert frock) are all signs of our organic adaptation to the modern world]. The calls of modern life offer a lot of potential. They also give room to incredible danger. It is the tension of spanning this spiritual chasm that we must address if we are to remain viable as a group.

Video: Baal Habos Speaks of Miracles with the Rebbe

This video is of a Baal Habos, Felix Sater speaking at the Chabad of Port Washington annual dinner. Mr Sater talks about a recent miracle he had with the Rebbe through the Ohel and encourages everyone there to visit the Ohel. He finished off by giving $100,000 to Chabad of Port Washington.

Brooklyn Mom Suing General Mills for ‘Unhealthy’ Snack

By Scott Shifrel for the NY Daily News

BROOKLYN — A Brooklyn woman has filed a lawsuit against General Mills, accusing the food giant of making misleading health claims about the popular kid snack Fruit Roll-Ups.

In the class action filed Tuesday in Manhattan Federal Court, Payton McClure says the company lies when it says the rollups, along with Fruit by the Foot and Fruit Gushers, are naturally flavored, low fat, and “a good source of Vitamin C.”

Oholei Torah Talmidim Complete Year with Baba Kama Siyum

CROWN HEIGHTS — As the year comes to a close in the mesivtas across the world, Oholei Torah Mesivta under the leadership of Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm ended its year with two major siyumim. A Tanya Siyum was held (as previously reported) and just last week Thursday a major siyum on the entire Mesichta Baba Kamma, all 118 pages with Rashi and Tosefos. One bochur even chazzered the entire mesichta word for word Ba’al peh, which took over 3 days to farher!

A Synagogue Saved by the Previous Rebbe & the Rebbe

The Avner Institute presents an extraordinary encounter with a Rabbi Rabinowitz, formerly of the Jewish Center of Highbridge, who describes meeting the Previous Rebbe under somewhat unusual circumstances. Special thanks to Rabbi Michoel Vishetzky for sharing with us this encounter, to learn more about the Rebbe visit: www.portraitofaleader.org

Video and Audio: 30 Years ago today in the Rebbe’s room!

Thirty years ago today, Motti Eden, a radio broadcaster from Israel’s ‘Kol Yisrael’ news station, came to the Rebbe for a Yechidus. Amongst other issues related to Israel, the Rebbe discussed with him the importance of using technology, such as radio, to spread the message of Torah and Yiddishkeit.

Shliach is the Voice Behind Schmooze Radio

By Lona O’Connor for the Palm Beach Post

PALM BEACH GARDENS — Dovid Vigler is a schmoozer. Oy, is he a schmoozer.

He can riff on war, explain how Alfred Nobel changed his image, discuss soccer or reincarnation and, hardly stopping for breath, read his own ads.

German Faces Jail for Hitler Speech Ring-Tone

GERMANY — A German man is facing up to six months in prison for having a speech by Adolf Hitler as mobile phone ring tone. The 54-year-old man programmed his Nokia phone to play a speech, in which the Nazi leader pledged the “destruction of world Jewry” if Germany was “dragged” into war, according to a story in the Daily Telegraph.

Please say Tehilim for…

Please take a moment and say a Kapitel Tehillim for a Refuah Shlaima.

Yehoshua ben Sara

Nechama bas Toiba

Pesach Ephraim ben Nechama

Yakov Imanuel ben Soro Sosa

Chaim Shmuel Hacohen ben Michal Chana