Besht Center Opens its Doors

A new shul has opened its doors in Crown Heights. The Besht Center, which is named after the late Reb Shmuel Tanchum Shuchat A”H, seeks to fill the spiritual needs of its participants– post yeshiva Bochurim and newly married youngerlight. The motivation for the Besht Center is that Crown Heights is a flourishing and ever expanding community brimming with young people in search of a kehilah to call their own.

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Torah in Ten – A New Insightful Ten Minute Torah Lesson!

by Talia Davis

Brooklyn, NY [CHI] — Kol Menachem, the organization behind the critically acclaimed series of English Judaica, is announcing a new venture – Torah in Ten. In this go, go, go world we live in, it can be difficult to sit down and find time to study the weekly parsha. And when shabbos rolls around, we all wish we had studied more and could contribute to the conversation at the shabbos table. Not to mention our children, don’t we all wish we could provide them beautiful insights into the weekly parsha?

New Shluchim to Texas!

Rabbi Asher and Dini Hecht together with their daughter Mushka have recently moved on Shlichus to the Rio Grande Valley of Texas where they will be establishing a new Chabad center, serving the needs of the Jews of the Texas valley.

Cheder Menachem’s Annual Mishnayos Awards Ceremony

As every year, from Yud Shevat thru Yud Alef Nissan, talmidim of Cheder Menachem in Los Angeles worked in preparing a special and most befitting present for the Rebbe in honor of Yud Alef Nissan with their annual Mishnayos Be’Al peh program; together, the talmidim learned and were tested on a total of over 118,000 lines of Mishnayos, Tanya, Siddur and Yediyos Kloliyos. This number includes: 9,770 Mishnayos – including 151 complete Masechtos and 1,222 Perakim, 7 Sedarim, as well as 80 Perakim of Tanya Baal Peh.

Vandals Desecrate Historic Jewish Graves in Louisiana

Shrevport Times

Vandals overturned at least nine Jewish graves in Shreveport’s historic Oakland Cemetery this weekend (on May 15, 2010, police say). The culprits could face hate crime charges.

Culprits could face hate-crime penalties in what Shreveport police say was the weekend desecration of several historic Jewish graves.

Investigators went to Oakland Cemetery, on the edge of the downtown and Ledbetter Heights neighborhoods, about 2 p.m. Saturday after a groundskeeper reported that nine headstones had been overturned or broken.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes – Esther Klein OBM

We are saddened to inform you that Esther Klein, mother of Rabbi Dov Hillel Klein, passed away Friday evening, May 14th, at 8:00pm.

Funeral services will take place on Monday afternoon, May 17th, at 1:00pm sharp in the McCormick Auditorium of the Norris University Center of Northwestern University, 1999 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208. Following services, internment will take place at West Lawn Cemetery, 7801 West Montrose Avenue, Norridge, IL 60706.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes

Kehot Discovers and Publishes 85-Year Old Maamar

Kehot Publication Society has just released a chasidic discourse (“maamar”) by the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, of sainted memory. The discourse, entitled “Chaviv Adam,” was delivered by the Rebbe on the second day of Shavuot 1925, in S. Petersburg, Russia, and has never before been published.