Kehot Publication Society has just released a chasidic discourse (“maamar”) by the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, of sainted memory. The discourse, entitled “Chaviv Adam,” was delivered by the Rebbe on the second day of Shavuot 1925, in S. Petersburg, Russia, and has never before been published.

Kehot Discovers and Publishes 85-Year Old Maamar

Kehot Publication Society has just released a chasidic discourse (“maamar”) by the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, of sainted memory. The discourse, entitled “Chaviv Adam,” was delivered by the Rebbe on the second day of Shavuot 1925, in S. Petersburg, Russia, and has never before been published.

Lost to the ravages of war and forced immigration, the discourse was recently discovered in a bound volume (bichel) of discourses transcribed by a chasidic transcriber (maatik).

The lengthy Shavuot maamar discusses, among other topics, a) the unique role of the Jewish people in transforming the world through the study of the Torah; b) the relationship between the soul to the body; c) the meaning of “spiritual space;” d) the various forms and levels of Divine revelation in the physical world; e) the meaning of the “light” metaphor in kabbala and chasidus, and e) the importance of “toil” in the service of G-d.

The maamar is available for free download by Clicking Here!

One Comment

  • natan

    Can someone please advise how to print it so that it comes out straight? Should I utilize duplex printing?