Tzivos Hashem Live Global Rally Cheshvon 5770

There will be a global Tzivos Hashem Cheshvon rally live on the internet on Thursday at 1pm EST. Close to 2000 kids signed up to the program already with many more children from around the world expected to be watching the rally live online.

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Lubavitchers Testify at Rubashkin Trial

By Grant Schulte for WCF Courier

SIOUX FALLS, SD — Two kosher meat sellers who regularly bought from Agriprocessors Inc. testified today that they were unaware that the eastern Iowa slaughterhouse allegedly attached their business names to made-up debts which were then used to defraud a bank.

But one of the sellers, Aaron Tzivin, who owns the Crown Heights House of Glatt in Brooklyn, N.Y, told jurors that he still has a good relationship with the plant’s former owners, the Rubashkin family.

Shula Swerdlov OBM, 3, Killed in Horrific Accident

JERUSALEM, Israel [CHI] — Shula Swerdlov, a 3 and a half year old girl was fatally injured in a hit and run accident in the Rechavia neighborhood of Jerusalem. Volunteers in the United Hatzalah organization responded to the scene and for a long hour attempted to revive the girl then transporting her to a local hospital where she later succumbed to her injuries.

Shula is the daughter of a Rabbi Yossi and Hindel Swerdlov who work in the Tourisim outreach division of Tzerei Agudat Chabad in Israel, and grandparents Reb Leibel and Miriam Swerdlov in Crown Heights.

Chabad’s Sukkos Events Make Fall Holiday a Public Affair

Michele Dixler of Monroe, right, recites the blessing on “the Four Kinds,” one of the mitzvoth of the holiday, while in the Sukkah with Rabbi Pesach Burston, left

MONROE, NY [CHI] — Children and adults of all ages learned about the beauty and joy of the Jewish “autumn” holidays – beginning with the High Holy-Days, and culminating with the festivities of Sukkot and Simchat Torah. Chabad of Orange County, directed by Rabbi Pesach and Chana Burston, organized these events.

A Torah-on-Loan Travels To North Cyprus

By S. Fridman for

CYPRUS — When Randi Luxenberg was planning her 25th wedding anniversary, she came up with a gift idea for her husband, Arthur that was anything but same old, same old:

A newly inscribed Torah scroll.

Shliach to Marseille Recognized for Outreach Activities

FRANCE — Chabad representative in Marseille, France, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Labkowsky was presented with a medal of honor by the city’s police department for his work with Jewish inmates in the prisons of southern France.

“Rabbi Labkowsky serves as a model for excellence and tireless dedication,” said the district commander of southern France, who placed the medal on the Rabbi’s lapel in the presence of the French police commissioner.

Bike-Cab Jihad Jerk is a Hate ‘Pedaler’

By Chuck Bennett for the NY Post

NEW YORK — This jihadist wannabe is a “terror” on the road.

Yousef al-Khattab is a Jewish-born, Jersey-raised convert to Islam who schleps tourists on his pedicab by day and propagandizes for the terrorists he idolizes by night.