Led by Chabad, diverse group of Jews make up new presence in Harlem

NY Daily News

Rabbi Shaya Gansbourg with his children
Rashi (l.) and Yossel at the Chabad of
Harlem, a synagogue and community center
at 437 Manhattan Ave.

On Friday evening before Sabbath services and dinner, Rabbi Shaya Gansbourg dons his best black fedora and long silk coat and sets out chairs and prayer books.

The rich aroma of his wife’s matzo ball soup drifts through the hall, a tempting, olfactory invitation to pray.

The Gansbourgs know their food has to be good if they want to attract a crowd. Not all their congregants strictly keep the Sabbath or kosher, and on Fridays, just a few blocks away, is Amy Ruth’s soul food restaurant with chicken and waffles.

Gansbourg, a stout man with a silver-streaked beard and a thick Yiddish accent, is the spiritual leader of Chabad of Harlem, a one-room synagogue and community center on the ground floor of 437 Manhattan Ave. at 118th St. that he and his wife, Goldie, opened last year.

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Op-Ed: Open Letter to Parents of Chabad Teens

by Shea Hecht

As we approach Tishrei – of a Shnas Hakhel – many families are considering sending their teenage sons and daughters (sometimes even younger) to Crown Heights for Yom Tov in order to draw from the deep well of Chabad richness – the Rebbe’s Shul, the Sukkah, the Ohel and the streets of the Schunah.

Undoubtedly, many parents feel that the time spent in Crown Heights is a time to charge or recharge the batteries of our children to help them tackle a year of learning, Mivtzoim and success.

There is no Kedushah in the world like Crown Heights in Tishrei, however, a cornerstone of Chabad philosophy is “Zeh LeUmas Zeh Asah Elokim” and therefore great caution is necessary.

Police Commissioner Drops in for a Visit

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Police Commissioner Ray Kelly seems to be making it a habit to just drop in to Crown Heights for a visit, this time he got to watch the Tzfasman Hachnosas Safer torah procession making its way to 770.

The commissioner stood on the avenue and watched for a few minutes and was approached by community residents who greeted him.

More in the Extended Article.

Boruch Dayan Haemes – Mrs Menucha Lazaroff OBM

With sadness we inform you of the passing of Mrs Menucha Vitkeh Lazaroff of Crown Heights. She will be remembered by thousands of students that she taught at Bais Rivkah and campers of Gan Yisroel, NY where she served as Camp Mother for many years. She was 92 years old.

She is survived by her children, Mrs Batsheva Shemtov (Philadelphia, PA) and Rabbi Shimon Lazaroff (Houston, TX).

The Levaya will be Tuesday morning, leaving Shomrai Hadas at 9:30am and passing 770 at approximately 10:40am.

Boruch Dayan Haemes

Second Hachnonsas Safer Torah in one Day!

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — As the sun began to set another Siyum and Hachnosas Safer Torah took place in the Zarchi’s home. The torah was dedicated in honor of R. Mordechai Gershon Ben Malya Rochel Schapiro Sheyichyu and in memory of R. Binyomin Azriel and Miriam Baila Nadav OBM and in memory of R. Avrohom Meir Hakohen Zarchi OBM.

Many More pictures in the Extended Article!

$8,092,269 in Pledges at 28th Chabad Telethon!

LOS ANGELES, CA [CHI] — Just an hour ago marked the conclusion of the 28th annual Chabad telethon. Broadcasted via TV and internet, millions tuned in and pledged a whopping $8,092,269!

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Hammers shut-out the Kloppers in 6-0 Win!

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — 10:00am Sunday morning the two teams take the turf at Lefferts Park in game two of their series, the Print House Hebrew Hammers with one win were there to take home the championship, and they did.

The Hammers, who were second to underdog the entire season, came out shining in the playoffs.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Southeast Texas Emerges From Hurricane Ike With Costly Property Damage

A downed tree rests on a minivan in the parking lot of a damaged Houston apartment complex after the passage of Hurricane Ike.

For many Jewish residents of southeast Texas, Hurricane Ike amounted to several heart-pounding hours of blasting 100 mph winds and driving rain smack dab in the middle of Shabbat.

Jewish Family of Four Perishes in Russian Airline Disaster

Aeroflot Flight 821 crashed on final approach to the city of Perm, Russia, killing all 88 people aboard.

A Jewish family of four was killed Sunday morning when a Boeing 737-500 airplane crashed during its final approach to Perm, Russia. All 88 people aboard Aeroflot Flight 821 are presumed dead, the Interfax news agency reported.