CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Police Commissioner Ray Kelly seems to be making it a habit to just drop in to Crown Heights for a visit, this time he got to watch the Tzfasman Hachnosas Safer torah procession making its way to 770.

The commissioner stood on the avenue and watched for a few minutes and was approached by community residents who greeted him.

More in the Extended Article.

Police Commissioner Drops in for a Visit

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Police Commissioner Ray Kelly seems to be making it a habit to just drop in to Crown Heights for a visit, this time he got to watch the Tzfasman Hachnosas Safer torah procession making its way to 770.

The commissioner stood on the avenue and watched for a few minutes and was approached by community residents who greeted him.

More in the Extended Article.

Mr. Kelly told a COL reporter “if I knew it was this interesting here I’d come every day” then continued shaking hands and speaking with others.

That statement by Mr. Kelly in jest was later determined to hold truth when he met with Rabbi Leibel Groner in 770 he told him “I pass by here at nights to just see how we are doing” he said, then added “it’s my second time I’m here in the last two days.”

Is this genuine concern for our neighborhood or the commish gearing up for a mayoral run? Whichever it may be Crown Heights was happy to see him.


  • chayaleh

    Who cares why he did it. At least he cares enough about our community to make it look like he cares.

  • A Resident

    Wow! What a privlige for our community to host such a high-ranking official. To know that we are on his mind even though we are just one community in one section of one borough of a huge city makes me feel very good. Thank you Mr. Kelly from us all!

  • elchanan geisinsky

    We owe him a debt of gratitude for providing sufficient police protection this summer(assuming that it was his decision).

    B“h Ka”H there were no major incidents this summer.If there had not been such a show of police force ,I’m not sure that would be the case.

    A yasher koiach is due Berl Sugar for
    being the catalyst for NYPD’s extra presence.
    Elchanan Geisinsky

  • Mayor

    I would have never believe after the winter incidents that he would take sincere interest.

    However I must say that I do hear the Mayoral bells ringing!

  • sruly c

    I watched him get out of the car in front of 770, he walked two blocks, and not one person even noticed him, then two people finally realized who he was and sayd hello.
    I guess if he wants to run for mayor he should start posting pictures of himself all over people know the name not the face.


    I wonder if it was by design that he came on sunday, when raskinf fish was closed, so he shouldent be tempted to go in and bye a guten shtikel herring, or maybe because it has a better smell when the store is closed.

  • david

    mr eli eber has given his life for crown heights and has been a real true freind to the 71pct.we are indeed very lucky to have him as a top member in our community! thank you mr eber!