Crown Heights Cover-Up?

The Jewish Week

Shmuel Balkany recounts the attack at the press conference earlier this week.

Although law enforcement officials acknowledge that there has been a 25 percent spike in bias crimes in the city since September, Crown Heights community activists claim the figures would be higher if not for a police cover-up.

“The Jews in this community are not being adequately protected,” charged Yissachardov “Barry” Sugar, president of the Jewish Leadership Council. “The police department has to [properly] characterize crimes and not play politics with my people. …

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Semicha Program of Golden Beach Inaugural Dinner and Testing for Semicha

GOLDEN BEACH, FL [CHI] — The Yeshiva Semicha Program of Golden Beach, Florida, under the auspices of Rabbi Chay Amar and directed by Rabbi Berel Gurary, recently celebrated with a monumental inauguration dinner.

The dinner included a Hachnosas Sefer Torah, the Torah to be inducted into the Yeshiva, and was a truly beautiful Kiddush Hashem and Kiddush Shem Lubavitch. It was also graced by the presence of Rabbi Dovid Pinto, renowned in Sefardic communities, who flew in from Eretz Yisroel for the event. There were inspiring speeches heard, a five course lavish dinner served, a live band, and vigorous dancing. The community was very uplifted by the Yiras Shamayim and sincerity of the bochurim.

Fire breaks out in Home on Carroll Street

CROWN HEIGTS, Brooklyn [CHI] – at around 12:30pm on Tuesday a fire broke out in a home on Carroll Street between Kingston and Brooklyn. FDNY responded within minutes and had the fire under control soon thereafter.

The apparent cause of the fire was a faulty electrical outlet.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

30 Days to the Tragic Passing of the Simons’s

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Family members, relatives and friends gathered Tuesday evening marking thirty days since the tragic passing of Rabbi Zev Yosef and his wife Rochel Simons OBM with a Shloshim gathering in the Chovevei Torah Hall.

In the gathering the crowd heard from Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba, Rabbi Matisyahu Cantor, Rabbi Yossi Jacobson and Rabbi Mordechai Kirchenbaum. The crowd heard about the couple and their tireless efforts in Chesed and their dedication to the Chinuch of the community.

More pictures in the Extended Article.