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Bochur Assaulted on Union St

A Bochur walking to 770 around 2 hours after Shabbos was assaulted on Union St between Kingston and Albany. The Bochur told that his assailant came at him from the street and punched him in the face, he then asked ‘why did you hit me?’ the perp answered him ‘if you give me your money you will be ok’ the Bochur who didn’t have any money on him began yelling for help and the perp fled.

This incident was reported a half hour after it took place. If you C”V are a victim of any crime do not hesitate to contact Shomrim and 911, the sooner you call the more chances there are at catching the perp. Keep the numbers handy, the Shomrim hotline is available 24/7 at (718) 774-3333 and Hatzalah at (718) 387-1750.

Seudas Hodaah!

Baruch Hashem all of the tefillos for Refoel Yehoshua Nosson ben Bluma Esther (Zipp) have been heard on High and he has had a complete refuah from E Coli poisoning and he was released from the hospital on time to light his menorah the first night of Chanukah. Our family cannot even begin to express our great gratitude to Hashem and everyone. B’ezras Hashem we will be having his Seudah Hadoah, Tuesday evening, December 26th, 7:30 p.m., at Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad, 7215 Waring Avenue, Los Angeles, CA. We are looking forward to rejoicing this great miracle with our family and friends.

The Zipp Family

ANNOUNCING: Kehot Hei Teves Sale Dates & Times:

Monday 4 Teves 10am to 7pm
7pm to 10pm Ladies Night – Ladies & Girls Only
Tuesday 5 Teves 10am to 10pm
Wednesday 6 Teves 10am to 7pm
Thursday 7 Teves 10am to 7pm


Sale online begins 2:00pm Friday 1 Teves and ends Friday 9:00am 8 Teves.

10 Car Break-ins Over Shabbos & Motzoai Shabbos!

Auto Larceny at new highs? Just when we think it couldn’t get any worse, it did. Over Shabbos a total of 10 cars were broken into, 5 out of which the airbags were stolen.

The airbag incidents had taken place at the following locations to the following cars:

• Honda Civic – Montgomery St. between Brooklyn and Kingston
• Honda Pilot – Carroll St. between New York and Brooklyn
• Honda Civic – Carroll St. between Brooklyn and Kingston
• Honda Accord – Montgomery St. between Brooklyn and Kingston
• Honda Accord – President St. between Nostrand and New York

Much more in the Extended Article.

Monday in Campus Chomesh: Aguch’s Hey Tevet Farbrengen

Archive Photo: A crowd shot of last years Farbrengen.

Anash and Tmimim are to partake in the annual Central Hey Teves Farbrengen on Monday (Dec. 25), 9 pm, in the Rose Hall in Campus Chomash, 470 Lefferts, Brooklyn NY. Rabbis, Roshai Yeshivos, Mashpiim and Shluchim will be recalling the events that led to the Didan Natzach – the joyous victory of the Rebbe and the Chabad movement over the Agudas Chassidie Chabad library. The organizers will be screening the new film “Didan Natzach”, produced by JEM and Vaad Talmidie Hatmimim, about the court case which this year is its the 20th anniversary.