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NY Mayor M. Bloomberg sends greetings to Mayor of Freeborn, MN Mr. M. Gruben

(L-R) R. Wilhelm, Mayor Mr. Mark Gruben and Mr. Eli Slavin with the camp.

Mayor M. Bloomberg sent a letter of greetings with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Slavin, who visited their son at the Yeshivas Kayitz of MN, under the auspices of Rabbi N. Wilhelm, to the Mayor of Freeborn, MN Mr. Mark Gruben.

In his letter Mr. Bloomberg thanks Mr. Gruben and the residents of Freeborn, for their gracious hospitality towards the boys in YK of MN.

Wild 3 Car ‘Pile-Up’ in Boro Park

On Tuesday at around 8:00pm a car service was observed going down 40th St. in Boro Park attempting to ‘make the light’ but failed causing a terrible accident with injuries.

When the car service entered the intersection a small Nissan Sentra heading up 16th Ave. slammed into the driver side of the car service with enough force to roll it over, but it didn’t end with that, the heavy Ford Crown Victoria landed on top of the hood of a Cadillac CTS which was waiting at the intersection for the light.

There were multiple injuries of various extent, Hatzalah responded and transported the patients to Lutheran Trauma Center where they were all listed in stable condition.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

New York Times op-ed praises Hezbollah

Ed Lasky – The American Thinker

A New York Times op-ed praises Hezbollah for fighting under Islamic laws re: advance notice, discrimiantion in selecting targets, and proportionality. How obtuse can the New York Times editorial board be when choosing to run an op-ed that actually praises Hezbollah for its principled fighting tactics?

In a piece comparing Hezbollah and Al Qaeda, Bernard Haykel, a professor of Islamic Studies at New York University, points out the serious “selling points” of Hezbollah (such as successfully sending rockets into Israel), among them:

”… Hezbollah’s statements focus on the politics of resistance to occupation and invoke shared Islamic principles about the right to self-defense. Sheik Nasrallah is extremely careful to hew closely to the dictates of Islamic law in his military attacks. These include such principles as advance notice, discrimination in selecting targets and proportionality.”

Israeli girl becomes Jewish woman, but grew up early

Daily Record

ROCKAWAY TWP., NJ — Sabbath at the Chabad Center of Northwestern New Jersey marked Yardena Twito’s ascension to womanhood. But the 12-year-old from Israel, who celebrated her bat mitzvah on Saturday in Rockaway Township, was forced to grow up suddenly four years ago.

On June 20, 2002, a gunman entered Itamar, an Israeli settlement south of Nablus in the Palestinian West Bank. He broke into the home of one of Yardena’s neighbors and began shooting. Yosef Twito, 31, Yardena’s father, a first-grade yeshiva teacher, went to help the neighbors, Rachel Shabo and her three sons.

All were killed — victims of terrorism.